•Pt. 4-The principal

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I'm way to exhausted to be writing rn but I'm still gonna do it or I'll be unable to sleep waaa

I'm sorry if this is horrible I'm trying my best 😭😭

Word count: 370


3rd person POV, from the office room.

Crybaby, Kelly, and two boys sat in a small room with pink walls and couches. Crybaby and Kelly seemed both just as annoyed at each other. Kelly looked at one of the boys sitting across from her, watching him eating a container of glue as a scowl formed on her face.

 "That's disgusting." 

She stated, louder than usual. Crybaby quickly glanced at the boy, who turned away. She turned her attention to the other boy, who slipped out a container of pink pills. 

"What are those pills?"

 She asked, pointing towards the pills. He hesitated, but eventually took out two pills, swallowing them. 

"They're pills. I'm on pink, the lightest dosage." 

He replied, putting the pills away.

 "Why do you have to take them?"

 Crybaby asked, a look of both wonder and confusion on her face. "To control us.." He responded in a quiet tone. Her pupils expanded, as she looked away. 

3rd person from the principals office

"So you're-" the vice principal said, being cut off by her husband. (Sorry I'm not sure what the man and woman behind the principals desks' relationship is or what their roles in the school are)

 "a woman.." her husband finished, a tone of annoyance prevalent in his voice. 

"I love my job here, and the kids really connect with me, but I need to be who I truly am!" Ms. Harper stated.

 "I am a woman!" She sighed lightly. 

The principal chuckled, scowling at Ms. Harper. "Mr. Harper, your'e fired." He responded, dullness in his words. Ms. Harper walked out of the room, a look of sadness and anger on her face as she walked.

3rd person, back in the small office

Crybaby heard the principals conversation, and stepped out of her seat. A phone fell from the ceiling, and she picked it up placing it to her ear. (The principal song happens I can't really explain


Don't ask how I wrote that I'm mentally unstable rah 😭

I'm gonna go sleep forever now have a good day/night everypony

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