•pt. 10- lunchbox friends•

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Word count: 405


Y/n, crybaby, and Kira eventually arrived to the cafeteria. They got their school lunch, and as all school lunches are, it looked only.. semi edible. While Kira and y/n were talking they didn't notice Kelly taking crybaby to her table. 

(Crybaby being at Kelly's table happens sorry) 

Crybaby repeatedly tried to leave, but to no avail. 

(Ok another timeskip) 

Crybaby stood up, waking away to Kira and Y/n. 

"Omg I'm so sorry I left, Kelly's so annoying." Crybaby sighed, sitting with them. 

Kira and y/n looked at each other, laughing. They eventually turned back to crybaby. 

"We're gonna get Kelly back." Kira said, holding up a milk carton.

"I know what you're on about, and I'm in." Y/n said. Crybaby nodded. 

Somebody from another table was watching them however. They were sitting alone. Crybaby walked over, taking to her for a bit. They shook hands, walking away to the table which y/n and Kira were at. 

"Y'know, I thought you were gonna become a plastic carbon copy." Kira said, as y/n began to laugh, and so did crybaby. Kelly eyed them from her table. 

"This is Magnolia!" Crybaby said. "Say hi!" 

"Nice to meet you ladies!" Magnolia responded.

"Welcome!" Y/n said. 

Y/n looked over her sholder, noticing how one of the "plastic copies" was floating an orange while having pitch black eyes. 

"Is.. she one of us?" Y/n whispered to crybaby. 

Crybaby nodded. Magnolia looked at Kira. "Food fight, anyone?" She asked. 

"I like this girl." Kira said, as crybaby picked up a sandwich from her plate.

Crybaby hesitantly threw it, as It landed near that one blue- boy thing from the bus. 

"Food fight!" He yelled, as the cafeteria went dead silent. 

The entire cafeteria began to scream, as Kelly hid under the lunch table with her friends. 

Crybaby, Kira, y/n, and Magnolia hid under their table as well, laughing hysterically. 

"Not with this hair, I just had it washed today." She stated. 

"Okay so, should we go up to her?" Crybaby asked. 

That girl suddenly left with Kelly. 

Kira looked at Magnolia, who was holding noodles that has landed near her. 

(This is my favorite line so it gets it own separate place.) 

"If you don't put that floor spaghetti down I swear.." she said. 

(Okay back to the normal stuff)

Magnolia sighed, tossing it aside. 

I loved writing that part so much omg 


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