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"You stand no chance against me God, give up and suffer your fate." A huge creature with 3 heads roared with dark red eyes and a dark red aura waving off its body.

"I will never back down Trihexa, you have threatened to destroy the world and I will not let you do suck things." God yelled weakly as the creature was also in bad condition a little better then god.

"Then DIE." Trihexa roared as it charged a huge breath attack but it was blocked by Gods golden aura forming into a dome over himself. Trihexa dashed forward and swiped at it as it broke and the creature cut god across his chest and braking his chest armor as he was blown back. "You were never a challenge for me God, you represent all that is pure and holy, I represent all that is chaos and apocalypse." Trihexa said as God groaned and turned over and got to his knees. "This attack will bring an end to your rain." Trihexa started to charge its breath attack as coming to the battle field was his strongest creation, Michael and Gabriela.

"FATHER." Gabriela yelled as Trihexa shot its attack at god and it completely engulfed him. "NOOOOOOOOO." Screaming with tears in her eyes as Trihexa's smirked as the smoke cleared and everyone was stunned to see a handsome young man in a casual outfit with long black messy hair and orange eyes with long gold earrings. "Who is that? His aura is so strong, it's even stronger then fathers." The two arch angles stood as the handsome young man looked to god.

"Hello God, I see you are struggling to seal away Trihexa." The young man told God who was shocked this boy took a full powered breath attack and had no damage done to it.

"W-who are you?" God asked the young man who was gonna respond until Trihexa roared.

"WHO ARE YOU CHILD! DO YOU HAVE A DEATH WISH." Trihexa roared as it charged another breath attack as the young man had a orange aura leak off his body as he made a spear and tossed it into his other hand and gun hilled at the creatures chest as a huge explosion sent it flying back as chains made of his aura shot from the ground restraining the huge creature. Everyone watched in disbelief.

"I will deal with you in a moment." The young man said as he turned and used his aura to heal gods wounds. "I will seal this creature away for you god, take your children back and return to heaven." The young man told God who was at loss of words.

"T-Thank you." God said as his children ran over and helped him to his feet. "I will never forget you young man." God said as he started to walk to Trihexa.

"WHAT IS YOUR NAME?" Gabriela yelled as the young man stopped as Trihexa fought to brake free but had no success.

"I am.......Dream." Jake told the 3 beings his name as he continued to walk to Trihexa as the 3 teleported away.

"LET ME GO BOY OR I WILL KILL YOU." Trihexa roared at Jake who stood before him.

"It's time to seal you away Trihexa, you have harmed the world for long enough." Jake told Trihexa as he slammed his hands together as he started to speak in an ancient language as he pulled them away a weapon started to form as it revealed to be the true Longinus spear.

"NO YOU CAN'T!" Trihexa roared as Jake ran and jumped into the air and brought the spear over his head and slammed it into his chest as Trihexa roared as the wound started to bleed a ton as the blood turned to mist as Trihexa's body started to fade away with the blood.

"I seal you on the edge of the world, you will never see the light of day again Trihexa." Jake's voice changed to a more godlike tone as Trihexa roared as the creature slowly faded until Jake put a forbidden seal on the creature as it finally was completely sealed away. "May you rest easy my dark creation." Jake told the sky as he started to walk away as he disappeared into a black dust that soon faded into the sky.

"Unbelievable a child beat Trihexa, this can't be." A handsome young man with crimson hair and blue eyes said.

"I know, we better return to the underworld, the Satan's will be expecting us back, Sirzech Gremroy." A handsome man with green hair and blue eyes said.

"That's true, Ajuk Astaroth." Sirzechs told the young man as the two teleported back to inform there leaders of this news.

With Jake

The black dust formed as Dream reappeared inside a huge dimension that had an orange red and yellow glow to it as he looked around and soon saw a huge red dragon with 4 arms and a huge golden horn.

"Great red, my second strongest creation, The Apocalypse Dragon." Jake said out loud as this instantly caught the dragons attention.

"Who are you mortal?" Great red asked but quickly sensed that this teenage boys's aura was stronger than hers. "His aura it's so strong, even stronger then my own. I didn't think anyone had my level of strength but the 666 beast and Ophis."

"I am Jake Jackson, King of dreams and God of illusions. I have come to see how my creation is, but please call me Dream" Jake told Great red whose eyes went wide hearing this.

"Are you saying you're my creator? You are the one who made me?" Great red asked the teenage boy.

"Yes I am your creator, as for everything else that exists in this world, I am the one true God." Jake told Great red. "Your counterpart was just sealed away by me, Trihexa." Jake explained to the dragon goddess. "I wanted to see if you had noticed such a thing."

"I did sense Trihexa's aura slowly fade away until it was no longer detectable. I thought I was going insane sense at the time I knew no one could seal it away. Not even God himself." Greatred explained to the king of Dreams.

"I figured you would notice same with Ophis and the other factions. I sensed two devils at the battle field when I saved God, one of my other creations from its wrath." Jake could see the shock on Great reds face and it made him chuckle.

"If you are the creator of well everything, how are you not handling the tension between the 3 factions? They are on the verge of war, that could kill billions in the process?" Jake turned around and warped a part of the dimension to show a glimpse of the Great War unfolding.

"This is something I have already planned, I am not here to hold the hands of my creations. They need to learn to handle themselves and those who threaten there principles and there ideas. This is how one grows from there owns mistakes will they evolve into stronger smarter citizens." Jake explained to the dragon goddess as he stoped the warp of the dimension. "I must go and see another of my creations, do as you please, but do not seek out a battle with someone who will cause a upset in the balance, or I will remove you from the world as it did to Trihexa." Jake used his godly tone to get his point across as Great red bowed her head.

"Of course Lord Dream."  Great red told Dream as he smiled and turned to the same black dust as it faded away. "I am glad to have met my creator." Great red continues to fly through her dimension. "He is really handsome too, wonder if I can score myself a night with Lord Dream?"

Bammmmm new book out like comment share and as I always say until next time THUNDER_GOD18 OUTTTTTT

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