Chapter 2

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<b>600 years ago</b>

"If you, both of you, accept what I am offering, then your family will be protected. You can, of course, refuse. You will remain here as my pets, but in that case, I can not guarantee what might happen to your family. These are dangerous times." Phayu feels his blood freeze at these words.

The man before him, Pakin, seems very charming and elegant on the surface, but it is obvious that he is dangerous. He is threatening his and Saifah's family, and Phayu knows this isn't an idle threat. He has seen enough to know that this man has the power to carry it out.

They had spent weeks in the hold of the ship fed moldy bread and given just enough water to sustain them. From the ship, they had been brought here to this household, too weak at that point to even think about escaping.

The man Chai had brought them immediately to Pakin, who had tsked at their pitiful state.

"These are princes. How have they been treated so miserably under my care?" he asked Chai.

The other man only bowed his head, but Phayu couldn't help but feel this was a performance for his and Saifah's sake.

"Graf, my love," Pakin said to the other man lounging in the corner, "ask the servants to prepare them a bath, some clothes, and a meal. Porridge maybe, or a thin soup. Anything else, and they are likely to throw it back up."

The other man seemed to find this funny, but he got up and left the room to do as he was bid.

Now washed with clean clothes and some food, Phayu feels a little of his strength coming back. He knows he doesn't stand a chance winning any sort of battle with the man in front of him, however.

Now, the threat against their family. Accept what the man is offering or their family will die. Phayu thinks of his brothers and their spouses, of his nieces and nephews that he adores, of his parents. He would die for any one of them or his twin standing here beside him, and that seems to be what the man is offering, death.

Phayu looks at Saifah, and without either saying a word, they come to the same conclusion.

"We'll do what you want." Phayu says.

<b>Modern Day</b>

"I'll do it." The boy, Rain, says, "Just please leave my family alone."

"Wise decision, little one. You don't have to worry about your family. They will be safe." He nods to Phayu, a signal that he is to be the one to drain Rain of his blood.

Phayu moves to sit beside Rain on the bed, "Relax, I promise I will make this as painless as possible." He nuzzles the boy's neck, letting that sweet scent that had first so intoxicated him and made him want the boy for his very own feel his senses. "Stay still." He murmurs.

Phayu lets his fangs sink into Rain's neck, and the blood is sweeter than anything he has ever dreamed of. As he drinks, he listens carefully to the boy's heartbeat. When it begins to weaken, he stops. He doesn't want to kill the boy. Just make it so his body is ready to accept the new life. He looks up at Pakin.

To his surprise, Pakin says, "You do it." Phayu raises an eyebrow at this. Pakin usually does this part himself. "I feel as if you want him as a mate, not just a pretty plaything to enhance the clan like Pai." Pai had been the last member to join the clan, and that had been almost four hundred years ago. "If I am right, then it's better for you to change him. It will make the bond between you closer. Although it's still up to you to win the boy's heart."

Phayu nods and uses his own teeth to open the skin of his palm. He cups his palm to let the blood pool there before bringing it to the boy's mouth. "Drink," he whispers in the boy's ear.

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