Chapter 6

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"P"Pakin has his own private jet?" Rain asks in wonder, looking at the plane.

"He has five," P'Pai informs him.

"Woah," Rain says. "How rich is he?"

"I don't think his net worth has ever been calculated but I imagine the combined wealth of the top ten richest humans combined wouldn't even compare. He has had centuries to accumulate wealth after all." P'Fah says.

"I have never been on a private jet, at least I am pretty sure I haven't." Rain says excitedly. "Have you traveled much, Phi?"

"Sometimes, to visit the other clans. The jets, of course, are relatively new, but we traveled a lot by luxury cruise liners back in the early days. More conventional ships before that." P'Phayu says.

"Oh, I wish I had been there," Rain sighs, "Can we go on a ship sometime? Does P'Pakin have a yacht? Are there many clans around the world? Can we see all of them?"

P'Phayu laughs, "Slow down, cute boy. One question at a time. We can if you want. Yes P'Pakin has several yachts and owns his own cruise ship line. There are thousands of clans around the world. Each clan governs its area to keep the vampire population in check and watch for other supernatural threats. We will visit some."

The inside of the jet is spacious and luxurious; Rain runs his hand across the back of a plush seat enjoying the way the material slides against his hands. He wouldn't mind testing out these seats with P'Phayu but is conscientious of the fact that P'Pai, Sky and P'Fah are there. Maybe another time.

The flight to Seoul is just over five hours and they are met at the Incheon International Airport by a young female vampire.

"Phayu! I never expected you to be on P'Pakin's naughty list," She waves her hand at P'Pai, "this one on the other hand doesn't surprise me."

Rain growls and moves closer to his mate, causing the woman to laugh.

"Relax young one, I have no designs on Phayu, we only worked together, along with Pai, on a case when I came to Thailand." She says.

"When was this?" P'Fah asks, he is looking a little dazed at the woman.

"While you were in England on that mission for P'Pakin. A couple hundred years ago. Heam is the leader of the Seoul clan, and she was cooperating with P'Pakin on an investigation that involved both our clans." P'Phayu says. "Heam, this is my brother Saifah, my mate Rain, and Pai's mate Sky. The young ones are fledglings both less than a month old."

Her eyes widen at this, "So young and yet so well behaved. P'Pakin does pick his clan well."

No one corrects her on Sky's status so Rain assumes P'Pakin hadn't told her the reason they were being punished.

"I don't know if I would call this one well behaved." P'Phayu says, pulling Rain close to his side. Rain wants to protest that he is a good boy but he is distracted by being so close to his mate. He just grins up at the older vampire.

"So what are we dealing with here?" P'Phayu asks in the car on the way back to the clan's safe house.

"It's strange," Heam says. "I would swear we were dealing with a rogue vampire, maybe a young one given the viciousness of the attacks."

"Except?" Phayu asks.

"Except most of the attacks have taken place in public and all the eyewitnesses have said the same. The attacker was an invisible force. They only saw the victim being attacked by something. They were drained of their blood and ripped to pieces." She says. "There's even a video." She pulls out her phone and shows P'Phayu. He then passes it to the others to look at.

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