Chapter 7

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The four of them should have looked out of place, four Thai citizens poking around the small Korean police station. Phayu uses his powers to convince the personnel that they belong there, giving them some vague idea that they belong to an international police organization.

They are shown to the evidence locker and given access to everything the police have on Davika's case. When they opened the file for the boys suspected in the case they notice a red X across the photos.

"This had to be done after the case was closed for no one to notice." Phayu says.

"Does that mean Davika has been here?" Rain asks.

They pull the cases of the other victims and find in each case the suspect has the same red X.

"Didn't Davika's uncle say that she used to come to the station with him?" Sky asks.

"That means she must have at least some of her human memories left." Pai says.

"I have an idea," Phayu says, "Wait here and keep looking to see if anything else stands out.

Phayu asks around the police station to see if there have been any recent victims of sexual assault where the suspects were set free. He finds there are three cases. He returns to the evidence locker, and they pull those three cases. They find what they are looking for in the second case. The man Yu-Jun, accused of assaulting a university student, has a large red X across his photo.

Phayu calls Saifah and Heam to have them locate the man while the others put everything back. On their way out Phayu convinces everyone that they were never there.

Yu-Jun is currently at his office where he works as an executive assistant. They wait outside the office building for him to leave. They are following him when Rain stops, "There is someone there, I can feel their emotions." He looks like he might cry. "So much anger and pain."

"Where exactly?" Phayu asks.

Rain points to a seemingly empty spot ahead of them. Phayu closes the gap quickly and says, "Show yourself."

A woman near them stares in shock as there is a shimmer and a teenage girl appears.

"Go about your business, you didn't see anything out of the ordinary." Phayu tells the woman. She shakes her head and walks off.

It would be easiest to tell the girl to sleep but carrying a sleeping girl through the streets would require him to command even more people to ignore what they see. Instead he says, "Come with me." He grabs her hand in case the command itself isn't strong enough.

Rain scowls when he sees Phayu holding the girl's hand. Rain is an empath, and he knows how Phayu feels about him, that Rain is the only one he desires. However, as amazing as his sweet boy is, he is also a fledgling vampire. The base emotions like jealousy and lust are strong in the fledglings. Phayu smirks a little at the second thought.

Davika does follow him without protest, but she takes one longing look back at her prey.

Phayu whispers something to Pai and then turns to Rain, "Let's get her back to the house for now, then we will figure out what to do."

"What about Sky and P'Pai?" Rain asks, they are already heading in the other direction.

"They are on a hunt." Phayu says. Rain's eyes widen with understanding. "They will make their own way back."

They bundle Davika into the car they borrowed from Heam and take her back to the Korean clan house.

Inside Heam leads them to her office.

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