Chapter 5

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"P'Phayu," Rain asks, "have people been disappearing from P'Pakin's race?"

P'Phayu frowns at the question, "For a couple years now, but we have never gotten a lead on who was responsible. P'Chai has even suspected it could be rogue vampires or some other supernatural creatures at work. Why do you ask?"

"Well last night when I captured that guy, Stop, he claimed to know something about it. He said it was a group of people working with a guy named Gun. Do you know who that is?" Rain asks.

"Gun? You are sure he said Gun?" P'Phayu says.

Rain nods, "Why do you know him?"

"He is one of the races, not in Pai's level but who is? He has been hanging around the races long enough to make a big name for himself," P'Phayu says.

Rain feels the older vampire's emotions. "You don't like him."

"I don't, I have never trusted him. He's smarmy, always flattering Pai and myself in a way I can't stand, but I have never suspected him of this." P'Phayu says. "If Stop was right this could be a huge victory for P'Pakin. These disappearances have been a thorn in his side for years. He has always considered the underground races as neutral ground. Somewhere everyone is safe, human, vampire or other."

Rain wonders about the other, that's twice P'Phayu mentioned that there are creatures besides vampires and humans, maybe he will get to find out more about that later.

"Let's go tell P'Pakin what you found out and we'll take it from there." P'Phayu says.

Even without being able to read his emotions, Rain can tell P'Pakin is furious that Gun has been hiding in plain sight all this time. "A human able to fool vampires, if the circumstances were different, I would consider him for part of the clan. In this case though, investigate and if it is true, bring him to me for questioning. Kill the others."

"Yes, P'Pakin," P'Phayu says, "We will take care of it."

"Gun has a big gang, take Saifah and Pai along as well. Not that you two couldn't handle them but I hate to waste food." P'Pakin says.

"We will." P'Phayu says. Rain thinks he is actually thrilled at the idea of the four of them going on a big hunt like this together. Rain thinks it could be fun as well.

Since the disappearances at the race have already led to dead ends, they start investigating disappearances around Gun's private life. That turns up a wealth of information, people have been disappearing and having accidents around Gun from the time he was in high school.

"How have the police never found this?" Rain asks in surprise when the evidence is laid out in front of him. It seems obvious to Rain that there are too many incidents around Gun for it to be coincidence.

"The police don't have the resources P'Pakin does. Plus, Gun chooses his victims well. Most of these people have little or no family," P'Pai says going through a file.

He opens a file and sucks in a breath. Rain feels confusion and something else he can't identify coming from him.

"What is it?" P'Phayu asks.

"I don't know, there is just something about this one. I don't understand, I feel drawn to him." P'Pai says, "But if he is one of Gun's victims, he's probably dead by now."

Rain moves behind P'Pai to look at the picture of the boy P'Pai is staring at. Rain feels a pull to the boy as well, not like he does to P'Phayu but like he has just seen a picture and been told he had a brother.

The header reads, Sky Anuman from Lopburi.

According to the file he had moved from Lopburi when he was fifteen to attend school in Bangkok. He had lived alone in one of his uncles houses and by all accounts had gone a little wild. Smoking and drinking, skipping school. According to his friends he had met Gun at sixteen and disappeared soon afterwards. The police had listed him as a probable runaway from a broken home. That had been three years ago.

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