Chapter 4

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"P'Phayu," Rain comes in and happily plops down in the older vampire's lap burying his face in Phayu's neck. Phayu kisses him on the head and runs a hand under Rain's shirt up his bare back.

"Did you enjoy your day out?" Phayu asks him. P'Pakin had wanted Rain to spend the day blending in and practicing pretending like he was still human. It was easier for him to do that without Phayu along. When he is with Phayu he tends to focus on him alone. Saifah had gone but had kept a discrete distance, ready to step in if there was trouble or if Rain accidentally did something to give himself away. It isn't always easy for a young vampire to pretend they are human. Rain had been well fed and he isn't as blood greedy as some young vampires can be. This is mostly thanks to having a sire as old as Phayu. It's also the reason Pakin is so strict in his clan about who can sire new vampires. When the young sire new vampires it can lead to tragedies. Some new vampires can be all but feral if their sires are young or without control.

"I did but P'Phayu I saw that woman, the one from the news article you showed me." Rain says.

Phayu's hand freezes where he has been stroking Rain's back. "She didn't see you, did she?"

Rain shakes his head, "You said not to let anyone see me that knew me from before and if someone recognizes me to pretend like I don't know them, well I guess not pretend because I really don't, and to leave immediately."

"Good boy," Phayu says.

"She just felt so sad, I didn't like it even if I don't remember her. Can we do something, so she isn't so sad?" Rain asks.

Phayu supposes he should have expected this. With Rain's empath ability he will always want to make some humans happy, especially those he shares a connection with, even if he doesn't remember why he has that connection.

Phayu thinks it over, his quick mind going through and rejecting many possibilities, then one occurs to him that just might work. Especially if he uses his powers to push the idea.

"Write a letter, I will tell you exactly what to say." Phayu says. He pulls out a piece of paper and a pen.

Phayu notes the number of cars outside the house. Perfect the more witnesses to this the better. He rings the doorbell and makes himself look as nervous as possible. The say a human would look in this situation.

A woman comes to the door, Phayu doesn't recognize her from the new story so she is probably a relative or friend.

"May I help you?" she asks warily.

"I am sorry to disturb you, it's just I need to speak with Rain's parents. It's important." Phayu says.

"If you are a reporter..." she begins.

"No, ma'am." Phayu says, "I'm a friend of Rain's from the university. I, um, well I think I can help."

She looks like she will still refuse him entry. Probably a few people have come by out of curiosity. Humans can be like that. Anything to spice up their boring little lives, even at the expense of other humans.

"Let me in," he says. "Tell them why I am here."

She gets that faraway look that humans under his command often do and steps aside.

Rain's mother is sitting in a chair, and Phayu doesn't need Rain's empathic abilities to tell she is not doing well. His father is standing behind her, with a hand on her shoulder. He looks a little lost himself. Several people are there as well.

"Pear, Niran, this young man says he knows Rain and he can help." the woman says.

Rain's mother looks up and there is a hopeful expression in her eyes.

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