Breaking and Moving On

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As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow over the landscape, I found myself sitting on the terrace of my mansion, lost in thought. The gentle breeze played with my hair as memories flooded my mind.

Ram or as I should now call him Ramcharan, my best friend and, the one who broke my heart. We had been inseparable since childhood. Our friendship was a rollercoaster of laughter, shared secrets, and countless adventures. But everything changed when I realised my feelings for him ran deeper than mere friendship. I mustered the courage to confess, only to be met with a response that felt like shards of glass piercing my soul—Ram didn't see me in the same way.

I vividly remember the events of the morning as though they were imprinted in my mind. The feelings of sadness, despair and misery were still tugging at my heartstrings, threatening to spill the tears I had so carefully controlled.

FLASHBACK (Narrator's POV)

Ram and my brother Arjun had gone to the market to buy some things for Ram's mother and they were due to be back any minute. Meanwhile, my heart was racing and my feet were pacing while thinking about what I would say to Ram to tell him that I loved him more than anything else in the world. Just then my father spotted me pacing around in my room somewhat anxiously and was concerned, he said, "Beta, what happened? Are you alright? I put on my most convincing smile, reassured him and said, "Yes, papa. I'm completely fine. He then gave me one of his supportive smiles and walked away.

"Hey, Ma we're home", called Ram's voice, I could hear them from the living room and my heart continued to beat faster as I quickly walked over to him and said, "Come on Ram, I have something important to tell you". He threw me a puzzled look but followed me nevertheless.

I failed to notice that my brother had followed us to my bedroom. "What happened Y/n, are you alright?", asked Ram. "Yes, I'm perfectly fine, I've never been fine in my life before this moment", I replied." Okay, I mean are you sure", said Ram. 

"Look Ram, the thing is I love you and I have been in love with you for over a year now and my love for you has only grown after all this", I declared.

"Y/n I'm sorry, but I don't feel the same way about you", uttered Ram, lowering his head in shame. I stood there feeling as if my world was burning and I was helpless but to watch and then I fell to my knees. I felt someone wrap their arms around me, encase me in a protective hug and protect me from the hideous feelings of the world and I saw my brother's face swimming up in my blurry vision then without warning, an ugly sob escaped me and after that, I felt my body breaking after every sob and my brother picking me and placing me under the warmth of my bed covers and then nothing.


I felt my eyes starting to go moist again. Still, I willed myself not to cry took a great shuddering breath and made my decision that I would stay away from Ram instead of focusing on my love life, I would focus on my life and my career and make a name for myself in this world. I thought of going to London and starting a construction and architecture business there, as I had always imagined.

I forced myself to stand, refresh, and join my wonderful family. Ram and his family were also there but that wasn't a big deal as my brother and I's parents had merged their company with Ram's parents, that was one of the main reasons the three of us were such great friends or rather, used be, I think.

"Papa, I have been thinking of going to London and setting up my start-up plans there, what do you think?", I asked cheerfully. I loved the effect that my decision seemed to have on Ram. He choked on his water and started to cough and splutter water all over himself, his mother rushed to help him. 

"That's great my gumdrop, in this way, you'll be able to learn about business and work in an unfamiliar environment", my father answered happily. "But why London, isn't that place very far away", said Mr. Chiranjeevi Ram's father."It is far away Uncle but as Papa said I'll be able to work in an unfamiliar environment and learn about the business world", I replied.

"Okay dear, we all trust you, don't we all", he looked around the dining table and everyone nodded including Ram who looked a bit constricted about it."Okay then, it's all set, I'll apply for your visa but it will take at least a few days", said my papa.'Thanks, papa", I replied excitedly.

"But what is the need to go to London and learn business, why can't you just help in your father's company", asked Ram. "What it is to you", I replied snarkly.

"Is everything alright between the two of you", my mother's words were laced with concern and I rushed to reassure her. "Everything's alright ma", I replied lightheartedly. "So everything is set then", Arjun commented and everyone agreed wholeheartedly excluding Ram (again).

After a few days (Narrator's POV)

"I've packed everything and I have kept my passport, visa, phone charger and my phone", I replied nervously. "Don't be nervous gumdrop everything will work out for you", he smiled and reassured me and I felt my stiff muscles relax from the unnecessary burden I had taken on myself. "Thank you so much papa", I reply. I would miss him every day.

"Are you ready or will you take another hour to put on your makeup", teased my brother Arjun. "For the hundredth time shut up you idiot", I shot back at him. "Children for the love of God Krishna please do not start fighting again", our father exclaimed. We started to laugh.

At the airport (Narrator's POV)

"Bye everyone I will miss every one of you very dearly", I started to cry a bit but my father shushed me and whispered in my ear, "Be strong, meri pyari bacchii".

Everyone said their respective goodbyes and gave me numerous hugs and kisses except Ram who was in the back arms folded and looking like he had eaten a sour lemon. "Good for him", I thought.

As I boarded the plane, I let go of my painful past and embraced my future I was sure would keep me occupied enough not to think of him because truth be told I was still in love with him."To new beginnings", I thought.

Word Count:1123


'Meri pyari bacchii' means 'my lovely girl' or 'my lovely child'.

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