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'We were taking you to Clint.' Natasha replied. Now, why would they do that? I mean, there's not much I can learn from him. He is just a guy with a bow who happens to be really good at archery and saves many people. He was just a little better  then me.

Just a little.

'Well, I'm sorry, but I'm here for a more important reason than being shown to Robin Hood.' I quickly turned around and started walking to the opposite direction. Oh, and what I also forgot to mention: I'm REALLY bad at navigating myself through big buildings and crowded places.

Again something to add on my list of updates.

From the moment I turned around the first corner, I was lost immediately. 'REMY? Can you please show me the way to Stark's office?' I hadn't even finished my sentence, or a purple arrow popped up on the glasses I was wearing. From then it took me five minutes to find that billionaires office. Turns out that I was walking in the right direction, I just needed to take the effort the walk a little bit further down the hall. 

I didn't bother to knock on the door and just simply barged in. Apart from Fury, who was standing looking out the big window, there was one other person. That person was wearing a suit and had dark brown hair. 

Tony Stark

'Romanogers is searching for you.'' I said, using that sentence to let everyone know of my presence. It took a while, but eventually Tony figured out that was actually meant for him. 'I'm sorry, ro- what?' That took me by surprise. The guy that claims that he is the smartest man a life doesn't know what Romanogers means?! However, I didn't let my surprise show and instead rolled with my eyes. 'Romanoff and Rogers, you know, to Avengers who also happens to be teammates of yours?' Now it was his turn to roll with his eyes. 

Deciding that he wasn't worth my time right now, I turned a few degrees and looked into Fury's eyes. 'Why do you need me? If it's cause your screen froze again, that's something this child here is even able to solve.' and I pointed to Tony.

'Hey!' That was the only reaction I got from him, but I ignored it. 'No, there's no time for jokes right now.' With that he turned the screen of one of the computers around. The only thing that you were able to see was a black screen with a big green and purple circle in the middle and some sort of code underneath it. That code was familiar to me, but I didn't know from where. 'REMY, where does this code appear in any of my research?' I asked while also trying, and falling to reprogram the computer.

-In research 572, also know as WALL-E-

REMY's voice range trough the room. Okay... It's seems like I didn't logged out last time I was here. 


But when I realized which research it was exactly, I started panicking a little. 'Okay, well. That's not good. It's seems like we need those group of hero's. Fury?' Fury nodded and got out his phone and called someone to set up a meeting with the Avengers. 

After he was done calling around, we headed out to the meeting room. 'I need to get something first.' And without more information, Tony was gone. We arrived five minutes later and I opened the door, again without knocking -it seems to become a habit of mine- to find the room filled with Avengers. 

A/N: Soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo...

The second chapter is out... and...it's boring, I know.

But it will be getting interesting over a few chapters. I  don't know, maybe two?

Also, I was wondering if the chapters aren't to short? If that's so, comment it! I will try to make them longer!

PS: the picture above is just one I had found on the internet, all rights to the maker of it!

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Updated 18th January 2024

I'm trying to update all the chapters as fast as possible so it doesn't sound strange if you're reading through it, but I am sick so I'm not that fast 😊.

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