My jet is faster than yours!

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'Get my jet to Stark's Tower.' I said, while walking out of the meeting room.

-'It's done, do you want me to do something else?'-

'Hu ... No. I'll call you when there is something.' I answered and turned around the corner at the same time.

I kept walking and taking turns, but in reality I was completely lost. When I saw the door with a star on for the sixth time, I decided that I didn't know where I was. 'REMY? Can you show me the way to the landing pad?' And with that a purple arrow showed up on the glasses I was wearing. After half an hour of searching, I finally arrived at the landing pad. There was no sight of a jet, but I knew that my jet was way closer than you would think.

While I waited, I decided to take a look at the other jets. I was told that they got an upgrade, but I didn't really believed it. Everything screamed to be repaired. It just looks way to old for my liking. 'Agent Jones?' There was suddenly asked. I turned around, it was Grandpa.

I know, I keep changing his nickname. But I keep coming up with better ones. It's just to much fun!

'What are you doing here? This is an old Quinjet, it's standing here for reparation. The one we need to take will arrive there.' And he pointed at one of the leftover place between other jets. 'I know, but the jet has already landed. There.' I took his arm and turned it to the left, were there was standing nothing. 'I don't see anything.' Typically, does no one ever looks close enough? 'Don't always look for something you can't see, but look for things you can see.'

When I was standing close enough, I ordered REMY to take out the security so we could enter the jet. When you think about security, you would think about cameras, sensors, alarms, etc. But I prefer something transparently. When it's transparently, you're able to place it anywhere. No one sees it. So you don't need those cameras and alarms.

I walked inside, thinking that Rogers would follow me. But he didn't. 'What's the matter?' I asked, once I saw him still standing on his original place next to the old Quinjet. 'Where is our jet?' I shrugged. 'We're going with my jet, it's faster and the chance of it being hacked is ten times smaller than the Quinjets.' I turned around again and begin checking if there was something missing. Apart from a few guns for foxy lady and maybe a new set of arrows for Jack Arrow, I had everything on board. Now I just needed to wait for the rest of the Avengers...

A/N: My exams are starting next wednesday, so I can't publish than. That's way I'm doing it now. But the week after it's just the regular again. 😊

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