Chapter six~

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Malikai smiled to himself as he awoke the next morning. While his parents were now back in the realm of the dead, that was just next door as far as an Addams was concerned. Having both sides of his family together made his whole world seem complete, the one bit that had long been missing now, present. Admittedly, he was a bit upset that his apparent Godfather, Sirius, was locked up in prison rather than with them where he belonged...but he could always pop in on him. He was family, after all. Actually, that sounded like a rather good idea.

Letting himself sink into the Family Magic, he stepped out of his bed clothes and into a more formal day wear. Once he was dressed, he focused through the family magic, seeking the connection. He didn't entirely know how this worked, just that it did. It was easier if the family member he was seeking needed him, as then he could feel them reaching out to him -which is why it was so easy to do this to reach Wednesday- but he could do it on his own if the reason was important enough. And meeting his godfather -and making sure that he was alright- was a valid reason as far as he was concerned.

There it was. The connection was tenuous at best, since he wasn't truly an Addams yet -he hadn't been officially adopted into the clan as Kai had, and through Malikai his ancestors- but he had the right mindset as far as the darkness, and being his Godfather made it a bit easier. Sinking into the Family Magic, he stepped back-

"Whoa there, kiddo!" someone said in a thick Jamaican accent as he was pulled back into normal reality, a firm grip on his shoulder. "That sorta step unaided, ain't exactly a good idea don'tcha know? How'd you even manage to do it? I don't smell any blood connection." Turning, Kai saw he was in the front yard, under the Living Tree, what James had called a Whomping Willow. 

Looking up, he saw a man with pale white skin clad in a dark hooded robe with a scythe slung easily over his shoulder gripping his shoulder firmly, his grip unusually stiff. On second look, Malikai realized the man's skin was...bone white. Also, his eyes seemed almost to be...holes in his face, but not unnaturally so. Uncertain, Kai gathered his magic with that of the Family Magic as he let his sword slip from his sleeve into his hand, ready to extend the blade. The man chuckled darkly. "Oh put that away, boyo," he chided. "You won't be besting me with that little poker, no matter how big it gets." He shifted the scythe in his grip, and the blade rippled in the light, seeming to be not quite there.

Recognizing what this meant, Kai relaxed and slipped his sword back up his sleeve. "Malikai Addams," he greeted, holding his hand out to shake. "Uncle Fester adopted me into the clan-" Kai began to explain.

"Oh, you're that one!" the man declared, an amused expression on his face. "Been feeling what you've been doing to the Clan Magic for years. Only came looking cause I felt ya slip out.Without a focus tool to make the gates, steppin' out like that can be dangerous. If yer destination ain't strong enough anchored, you slip out entirely, and without an experienced guide to find ya, ya can be lost forever." Grimm scolded. "Well, I'd be somewhere," Malikai allowed. ________________________________________

"I'm sure I'd find my way back year, as of last night if no later, when the Ancestors came back again. That's a pretty strong beacon." The man raised his eyebrows in surprise...then burst into raucous laughter. "Well ain't you a right spitfire!" he declared proudly. He patted Kai on the head, mussing his hair a bit.

He was unsurprised to see it settle back into its former look...but was surprised when he spotted the  faded scar in the meantime. "What's this now?" Parting Kai's hair, he took a closer look. A dark frown crossed his face, the flesh of his face seeming to fade a bit to reveal bone. "Oh, so that's why I ain't claimed him yet...cheating bastard..." Touching the scar, he tasted his bone fingertip.  "Hmm...gonna be a while with that many..." Grimm grumbled. "I'll be sure to get him to you when the time is right, sir," Kai promised happily. "Nah, don't sir me!" the man declared jovially.  "I'm family, after all-" Grim began gently. "Grampa Grim!" Granny suddenly declared happily, stumping out into the yard. "What brings you here in the now?  It's been years!" Grandpa Grim's eyes widened in surprise.

"Tabby, is that you?" he asked in surprise. "I thought for sure I'd collected you at some point!" He cried. "You did!" Granny replied happily. "You've been time hopping again, so you haven't already done it yet. Besides, I got bored." Granny explained gently. "You're gonna get me in trouble bouncing around like that," Grim chided playfully. "Thanks for fishing this one out," Granny spoke up, grabbing Malikai by his ear and tugging him to her. "Reckless idiot thought he could Death Walk halfway around the world to someone he'd never met without so much as an anchor! Think you can take the time to teach him better?"

"Not for a few years, I'm afraid," Grim apologized. "Ain't been around cause I wound up stuck with a couple brats of my own. Was wondering why a bloody hamster was on my 'in person' collection list..." Granny snorted in surprise. "You lost a game? I find that hard to believe."

Grim spat irritably. "The girl went and cheated, had the bloody hamster try and eat me when going for the final limbo." Grim grumbled. "Limbo?" Granny asked in surprise. She leaned forward and gave the scythe a sniff. A wicked grin crossed her face. "But she'll be worth it in a decade or so, eh?" she teased playfully. "Hey!" Grim countered irritably. "I ain't no cradle robber!" Grim cried out, disgusted.

"You're ageless, gramps!" Granny taunted playfully. "Been wondering when you'd find someone to bring into the Clan. 'Sides, I see you've already taken the same peek I just did." She cackled wickedly. "Grim!" an irritable female voice snapped out of the scythe. Grim sighed, rubbing his face.

"Yeesh...even stepping back in time doesn't gimme much free time from that witch..." Granny cackled happily.  "She'll fit right in! Go see your 'BFF'," she teased. "I got this one."  She gave Kai's ear another tug. Groaning in frustration, Grim turned and swung his scythe in the air. A howling vortex appeared where it cut, and he stepped through. It quickly closed behind him. "Death Walking?" Kai asked curiously. "Is that what I've been doing-"

"Now don't you get any ideas!" Granny snapped, yanking hard on his ear. "I've invested too much in teaching you to see you waste it by hopping into the void cause you aren't properly instructed. You wait until you're nine before you try hopping to your Godfather again, got it? Now come on!" She tugged him towards the manor.

"I'll see about getting Gomez to send you to Endsville for schooling once you turn 8. Then at least Gramps will have a chance to properly instruct you..." Kai tolerated the tugging. He was looking forward to learning his skill properly to care about the pain...and besides, it was honestly rather enjoyable. There was a certain zest to it...

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