Chapter Five

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In the morning, I was awoken by the pressure of Dahlia's soft touch between my legs. I could feel her fingers press against my opening, then slide in and out slowly, luxuriously. I moaned happily, and shuddered with pleasure.

"Good morning, treasure box," Dahlia said gently. She pumped me softly, slowly. "Every morning we train like this. You are to be available to your mistress whenever she wants you, and her favorite thing to do in the morning is touch you. Submit to her desires."

I sighed into Dahlia's touch. She ran a hand up my arm and kissed my shoulder. "She likes to explore with her hands. She will want to touch every inch of you."

"Ma'am, what should I do?" I asked, daring to speak out of turn.

"As you're told," Dahlia replied. "If she says roll over and touch me, that is what you do. Now." She pulled her hand away from her ministrations and slapped my rear with a satisfying sound. "Up. Kneel upon your pillow until I return." She sat up, sucked the juices from her fingers, and got out of bed.

I followed, slowly, yawning and stretching. I went to my pillow and knelt obediently.

"That pillow is your place," Dahlia said, approaching me. "And you must know your place."

"Yes, ma'am," I replied.

"If you do not know what to do, or where to go, remember your place. You will kneel and your mistress will collect you."

I nodded silently. I watched her leave, and wondered when she would come back. I wondered how long I could kneel for, without having to shift myself for relief. I wondered if I would be found out if I got up to stretch.

As I knelt, I realized there was something I had completely missed in my new bedroom. A curtain was tugged across a stretch of wall, and curious, I had to know what was behind it. I wondered if I should stay put and ask Dahlia, or find out for myself.

Dangerously perhaps, I decided to get up and find out for myself.

I stood and went to the curtain. Like the rest of my room it was luxurious and heavy with gold and silver threads, hanging with tassels and fringe. I grabbed one of its ropes and tugged it back. It was heavier than I thought.

I was confused by what I found. What? A mirror? Who would put a mirror behind a curtain?

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