Chapter Twenty-Three

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My mistress opened my robe, and drew a hand down my chest, between my breasts. She gave a soft sigh. "I tried to wait as long as I could. The Auction had to provide your education, after all. But once you had passed muster, I had to bring you home."

I gave her a soft-eyed look, and dared to speak out of turn. "I'm so glad you did," I murmured nervously.

My mistress tipped up my chin. "As am I, my swan." She gently pressed her palm between my breasts, and pushed me backwards until I was up to the inset bed. "I specifically requested they not train you fully. I have my own ideas about how you are to be molded. You are mine, after all. My property. What I say goes."

My heartbeat thundered in my ears and my face flushed hot. I could feel that blush go all the way down my neck. She already had a way of making me feel special, all hers. I never wanted this feeling to end. "What you say goes," I echoed softly.

She leaned in and kissed me, and I wrapped my arms around her neck and pressed in close, desperate for more, hungry for her. I had worked so hard to get here, to get to her. I had weathered even my own heart's desires when it came time to leave Dahlia's side. I knew that if I could overcome that, I could overcome anything to get to my mistress.

Our kiss deepened and she picked me up around my middle, moaning into our contact, and she laid me down into our bed. Her hands slid up my naked sides and pushed my silk robe from my shoulders. When I moved to take it away, she stopped me. "No. I know you were trained to do this, but I wish to see you laid out like this, taken half-dressed."

My eyes half-lidded, I reached for her, and she came to me, and our kisses were hot as fever. She disrobed herself and pressed her body against mine and my skin lit up like fire. She electrified me. Her breasts were heavy with milk and pressed in against me, and I could feel her belly against mine and then—oh, oh. The way she dragged herself against me! I spread my legs and wrapped them around her waist, letting out a girlish giggle of happiness.

She sighed into me, chuckling. "That is the sweetest sound," she said between kisses, her voice dusky with desire. She trailed kisses down my neck and throat, and I held her tightly. I hadn't meant to giggle, I almost thought it unseemly—but she loved it. I let out a small sigh of relief and let it turn into a soft laughter, and pressed kisses against the top of her head.

That scent, that carnal, luscious aroma. I remembered it so well from the first time we met, so long ago in the Auction house. I had met her blindfolded then, and certainly under supervision. Now, we were in far more intimate settings, and my mistress was that more amorous.

"My swan," she said softly against my breasts. "Tonight we are sharing our bed for the first time. This is our marriage bed. You are married into my clan, and we Swans mate for life. I intend to entrust you with our sacred knowledge, and teach you many important lessons."

"I'm—married to you?"

"Mated for life, in fact," she said softly, kissing my belly. "Something in me knew it when I saw you on the Auction block. I cannot explain the feeling. I simply knew it was right."

She had hand-picked me herself! No representative of her household or bondswoman had done so, but she herself, personally! "I didn't know you had picked me yourself," I said—and I gasped.

Her hot tongue had found my clit, and she moaned into me, and I gave a high-pitched noise of joy. "Hnnnnnh!" Oh those fiery kisses she left on me. My back arched and my toes curled, my fists grasping my robe and blankets. Her tongue lapped at me, tonguing my clit swiftly, then slowly, then swiftly.

"I did pick you myself," she said softly, pressing kisses to my sex. "I not only wanted to find a swan of my own, but a young woman who could carry on my name and household. You are more than just my mate, my swan." She kissed my clit deeply, openly. "You will inherit this entire home."

My fingers curled in her hair and I gasped, my moans sharpening in pitch and volume. I was hers, her own piece of property, and yet she wanted me for such a massive honor! "I will do everything I can to learn the ways of my new clan," I told her, my words soft.

She looked up at me and smiled. "I know you will. You are my own little cignet, and I will train you well."

I shuddered with pleasure and bit my bottom lip.

She grinned. "What a sight you are. I am so happy to have you in my bed at long last. I watched you for so long, and yearned for your warmth against me."

"Mistress, I'll—I'll make you so proud, I promise."

"Mm. I don't want you to call me that," she said gently. She laid two fingertips against my clit and began to massage.

My back arched again and my fists clenched anew. "What...what should I call you?"

"Not that," she said, chuckling. "It's far too formal and I do not hearken to it at all. I would far prefer you to call me something more intimate."

"What's your name?" I asked.

There was a moment of quiet, so long and so heavy that I worried I had asked her the wrong question—but finally, she responded, "Helena."

"Can I call you Lena?"

There was another pause. "I want you to call me Mama Lena."

Our eyes met, and I gave her the softest gaze. I had never had very caring parents, which made it easier to say goodbye to the family, but I had never expected to find any kind of maternal love anywhere else. It excited me, to be honest, and I couldn't contain my fascination. If my mistress wanted me to be hers, her own little cignet, the inheritance of her inheritance, I would call her whatever she wished me to, and I would love the honor of it.

"Mama Lena," I gasped, because her lips and tongue had replaced her fingertips. "I am yours for life."

"Yes you are, my own little swan," Mama Lena said lovingly. "All mine, bound to me." She dipped deeper and I felt her tongue slide through my folds. My moans became squeals and I began to work my hips against her.

She grew more and more deeply involved, slurping at me lewdly without any shame. I bucked my hips, toes curling, my noises beyond excited. "Mama Lena! May I please, please cum?"

"If you don't cum, I will be utterly disappointed," she responded duskily.

"I'm—I'm so close—hnnnh!" My head thrashed back into the pillows and both of my hands went to Mama Lena's head to hold her hair back as she feasted on me. Her tongue flicked my clit and I screamed. "I'm—CUMMING!"

Mama Lena held my hips tightly, holding me in place as I came, and she slurped up every last drop. She left no inch of me untouched, and hugged me around the waist when she was finished. "Oh dear love."

"Was—was that—?"

"Amazing? Yes. Am I done with you? No, not in the slightest." She chuckled, and got up. "Come here. I am going to teach you something Dahlia was not allowed to."

"Mama Lena?"

"Yes, my little swan?"

"Th-thank you."

She leaned up and kissed me, and I could taste myself on her lips. "No, my treasure. No. Thank you."

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