Chapter Thirty

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"Little swan!" Mama Lena called.

I bounced into the room she she was preparing for us. It was a beautiful, peaceful area, painted in bright yellows and comforting cerulean blues. It was outfitted with all manner of fun furniture.

I saw a sibian chair, a cross, a reclining bondage bed with binds and stirrups, a fascinating chair that looked it was specially made for Mommy to grind herself against me the way she did on our first night, and something that gleamed in the corner. When I looked closer, I saw the most beautiful cage.

It almost looked like a bird cage, but for a person. Inside was a comfortable nest, and I wondered what it felt like to lie in it.

There was a bigger bed, this one tall and sturdy. A swing hung over it, and I pointed to it with delight. "Ahh! Mommy, a swing? Really?"

"Really. But what we're going to do is break you in gently. This room is ours, and if I need to keep you somewhere, that beautiful birdcage is your space. In fact, we will practice spending time in it." Mama Lena turned back to the drawer she was rummaging through, and said, "Aha! I found it."

She pulled out a rather interesting looking toy, a long cock that she could wear within herself, so that she could get just as much pleasure as I would as she thrust into me. She held it out to me to show me its curious shape. The toy was long and sturdy, and flowed into a fat, curved mass that could be inserted and played with. She made me watch as she inserted it into herself, and when through, she looked ready to attack me.

She pointed to the sunniest part of the room, where sat a rocking chair in front of the wide windows. The view was spectacular. Mommy sat in the rocking chair with a groan of pleasure, and opened her arms to me.

I carefully climbed into her lap, and she kissed me deeply, pressing a thumb against my clit. She massaged it, and as we parted, she licked her fingertips and used them to slick me. Then, she settled my hips over the toy, pressed the tip against my opening, and slowly, slowly pushed into me.

I cried out. How could I not! She was penetrating me with every inch of the toy and holding me tightly. "Everything is alright, babygirl, my beautiful swan," she murmured in my ear. "Hold tightly to me. Good girl. That's my good girl."

How I lived for that good girl.

She held me down in her lap, and slowly, as she rocked in the rocking chair, she began to thrust. She began slow, gentle. "Feel Mommy deep inside?" She asked me, and I nodded, unable to speak. "It feels so good, doesn't it?"

I moaned into her shoulder and let my hands fall upon her nipples to tug and pull. I could feel her hot milk beading in droplets, but I didn't care. I milked her.

"That's Mommy's good girl," she told me, kissing my forehead, thrusting deeply into me. She used the rocking chair to do this and held her hands around my rear, the rhythm of the rocking and the strength of her legs doing all of the work.

She tucked my head beneath her chin. "It's alright my swan. See? This is a wonderful rhythm, isn't it? Mommy's having just as much fun as you are."

I could only nod and moan. I couldn't even make words.

The rocking chair swiftly became one of my favorite places to be fucked. She could fuck me deeply whilst still pressing kisses to my face and letting me milk her mercilessly. It was a wonderful spot. And the servants could watch if they wanted, for Mommy allowed the windows to be open. She liked being watched.

This room was our safe space. Eventually, the birdcage became my favorite place to be whilst Mama Lena did other things. She would push a toy into me, tell me I dare not let it leave me, and lock me in my cage. I would spend the time idly fucking it throughout the hours I was left there, and when Mama Lena came to nurse me later, I was desperate for her company. She would see if the toy was still inserted within. If I was good, I was given a treat. If I was bad, Mama Lena delighted with spanking me.

She preferred to spank by hand, with me over her lap. She enjoyed undressing me for this act, so tugging down my clothes to reveal myself was a very vulnerable thing but also a frightfully wonderful thing. She would let me hold tightly to her arm and would spank me in small bursts. She would never yell or speak harshly. Rather, she spoke in a soft voice.

"What did you do wrong?" "What will you do in the future?" "Mommy loves you very much." "Mommy is only doing this for your own good." "This is important for you to understand."

Spankings always devolved into her discovering how wet I was, and sliding two fingers into me to fuck me until I came.

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