Chapter Twenty-Nine

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I took my beloved puppy to one of my slaves. "What is your name?" I asked her.

"Pearl," she said softly. She had caught my eye as a timid, gentle type, and I wanted tender hands to care for my puppy.

"Pearl, I want you to be in charge of taking care of Nutmeg," I told her. "This is so important to me. It will be your job and your sole purpose until I say otherwise."

"Yes, young miss," she told me reverently, a smile beaming across her face. She took little Nutmeg into her arms and snuggled her. "I shall train her and keep her happy and fed!"

"If anyone bothers you, or causes you trouble, or tries anything to part you from Nutmeg's side, you will tell me. Yes?" I didn't trust Serena not to try and steal this job from Pearl. Pearl was gentle and timid, and Serena was domineering.

"Mommy?" I asked Mama Lena.

"Yes, my love?"

"May I put Pearl and Nutmeg in their own room, separate from the other slaves? I want to keep them protected."

Mommy smiled and kissed me. "Anything you want, my swan," she told me. "Let's spoil your puppy and the loyal slave who cares for her." By the end of the day, she would put Pearl and Nutmeg into the small room across the hall from ours. That meant I could run and visit any time I wished. She had the room outfitted with beds for Pearl and Nutmeg, specially made seats for Pearl of course, and plenty of cushions and toys. She had matching collars made for the two, and matching leashes. "Now you can take them both for a walk!" Mommy told me.

That evening, I did just that, walking both of them on the garden promenade. Mommy walked with us, supervising me, advising me on how to keep both slave and puppy leash-trained. It was so different to be on the other side of the leash.

"Very good," Mama Lena told me. "Be regal. You own both adorable puppy and beautiful woman. Both are your property. Shall we walk them every night?"

"Yes, please, Mommy," I said shyly, smiling. "Let's walk Pearl naked in the summertime."

Pearl blushed, but smiled shyly.

"I think she likes the idea. So it shall be!" Mama Lena declared.

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