Chapter 7

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Little sickness (mashup)

"Alright." he put his hands up and started to walk slower.

"Boys are stupid." Jessie looked up at me.

"Yeah boys are stupid." Giggled.

"Hey." Grant said.

"Yeah, Hey." Evan tacked on.

"Girls can be stupid too." Grant said.

"Nope." Jessie put her hands on her hips.

We kept walking on a highway. There was a fork in the road, one lead to the city and then the other one was the back roads which, blocked by a collapsed building. I saw a little opening. I tried to fit through. We all eventually made it through and we continued walking. I heard a high pitched scream from a distance.

"I'm scared." Jessie held her brothers hand.
"It's fine as long as were alert and ready." I tried to comfort her.
I pulled out my knife and got ready for what's to come. I looked behind me and saw Evan and Tate have their guns ready. We moved forward and then I stopped in my tracks. I saw something standing at the end of the street. It looked like a zombie, but it had huge red boils coming out of its body mostly around the head.

"What the..." I stuttered.

It screeched and started to run towards us. As it came closer it became uglier and more torn up. I held up my knife and shoved it in it's soft skull, on of the boils popped on me. Black warm ooze dripped from the tip of my nose. Thank the lord I had my mouth closed. I turned around slowly and whipped the Black off of my eyes so, I could see.
"Alright, then shall we go?" I said slowly trying not to scream.
I felt so disgusting, the Ooze was everywhere.
They all followed along behind me. Jesse reached for my hand but I swiped it away.
"I don't want you touching this stuff, I don't know what would happen."
She nodded and went back to holding hands with her brother.

We eventually got to an old crummy hotel. Vines shot out from every broken window and it had a huge chunk taken out of the side.
"Let's go, maybe I could find something to clean my self off with." I said.
"Okay, but let's be careful if those things in there." Tate said.
We walked up to the front door and opened it.
It was dead silence until I heard a couple of foot steps. I couldn't believe my eyes.
"Nat?" My eyes opened wide.
"Red?" A huge smile was plastered a crossed his face.
"But, you died! I saw you die."
"I thought I was dead too, but then I woke up in this white room with stitches in my neck and my abdomen."

I just wanted to jump into nats arms and kiss him until his lips fell off.
"I missed you." I whispered.
He smiled at me.

"Who even is this guy?" Tate asked.
"His name is Nat and we go way back."

Nat stood there awkwardly, he waved his hand to everybody, "I'm Nat."

"I'm Evan." He smiled.

"I'm Jessie and that's my brother Tate ignore him he's really grumpy."

Nat tried not to crack a smile, but he couldn't help him self.

"And that's Grant."

Nat's smile faded really fast. I furrowed my eye brows, I'll ask about that later.

"Well, lets keep going. I still have to get cleaned up."

"What's that all over you anyways?" Nat asked eyeing me up and down.

"You haven't seen them yet?" I asked.

"Seen what?"

"The zombies they've grown these red boils with black stuff in it."

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