Chapter 8

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Song: Amber run- I found

Those things came running towards us and Nat and I started to shoot them in the head. When their boils popped it wouldn't really get on us because we were shooting from a safe distance.
"Can't we-" shoot, "get a fucking," shoot, "break."
I felt the burning pain where I got stabbed but it didn't really hurt as bad as the others I was able to stay awake.
"Ugh!" I grunted from the pain.
They eventually all died and I was out of bullets.
I looked at Nat and he was heavy breathing still with his gun ready to shoot.
"Should we go?" Nat asked.
"Yeah just, ugh, wait 5 minutes." I held my wound.
I could feel the wound healing its self. The skin eventually all came back and I was fully healed.
"Now we can go."
"Are you okay?" He asked
"Yeah but I'm putting on a new damn shirt when we get in there."
I quickly grabbed a black tank top and replaced it with the other one.
"Everyone up, let's go!" I shouted in a hurry getting our stuff.
Most of everyone was already up staring at me wondering what happened.
They all jumped up and we got out of the hotel.

"Where's Grant?" Evan asked.
"Um," I paused not knowing how to explain it, "He didn't make it."
"Oh." Evan put his head down.
Jessie started to cry.
Nat looked at me like I was crazy for not telling them. I couldn't break their hearts.
"I'm sorry guys." I said.
Nat put his hand on my back and rubbed it.
He leaned in and whispered, "It's alright."
I forced a small smile on my face.
I can't believe what just happened. Why would Grant do that? I looked up into the dark cloudy sky trying to think what could make him do that. I looked up and it was starting to snow.
"I'm freezing." Jessie shivered.
"There's a mall right up here." Evan said.
"We'll go in there and get coats for everyone, hopefully they'll have some." I said.
Nat went to go put his arm around me but stopped.
"What?" I asked.
"You're really hot." He said confused.
"Thanks." I giggled.
"No like you're like radiating heat."
"That's weird I guess that's a side affect of the virus."
"You should think of it as a blessing." Nat shivered.
"Yeah I guess."
"I mean you heal so quickly and now you're warm no matter how cold it is." Tate added on.
"The mall is up here." Evan said.

We walked up to the mall and it was locked.
"Shit." I said.
I took out my knife and tried to unlock it.
"Fuck, it broke."
A girl came up to the door. She made me jump, she came out of no where. She held up a flash light on us.
"Can you open the door?" I asked, "We have a kid and she's cold."
"We just need some coats please." Jessie said.
The girl had long brown hair and black rimmed glasses. Her eyes were a crystal blue.
"Are you going to kill me?"she asked through the glass.
"No I promise." I said.
She went to go unlock it to let us in. Once we were all in the mall she locked it and led us to a lounge area with 2 other people.
"What the fuck, Sofie?" A tall man stood up.
"I'm sorry dad but they were freezing and they have a kid."
"I promise we won't hurt you guys were just cold."
"What's up with your eyes? God damn it she's infected!" The man yelled and pointed a gun to my head.
"No! Sir, I'm immune! I'm immune!" I yelled in panic.
"Prove it!"
I grabbed my backup knife from my bag and I lifted up my shirt and slit my skin. It started to bleed but then it healed. This time it don't hurt at all.
"See dad she's fine." Sofie said.
"I guess, but I got my eye on you."
"I'm Red, that's Nat, Tate, Evan, and Jessie."
"My name is frank those are my two daughters Sofie and Athena."

They had a fire going in the middle of the room with so tents around it.
"Where can we find some coats?" Jessie asked.
"This way." Sofie said.
She lead us to a sports store we walked to the back in the winter department.
They all picked out their coats.
"I need new clothes too." Jessie said.
"Right this way." Sofie led us all to a little girl store.
"I want this one." She picked out a pink shirt. "And these." She took out some thick pants. "I need these." She took some fuzzy boots.
"Alright I think your good kiddo." Tate patted her shoulder.
"One last thing." She got a pink fuzzy hat.
"I'm going to go back to the lounge area you guys good here?" I asked them.
"Yeah." They nodded.
Nat followed me, I walked into forever 21 and turned around.
"Out of all stores to make out in." Nat laughed as he walked closer to me.
He wrapped his arms around me and smiled at me.
"What can I say I have amazing taste." Our noses were touching.
I put my hands on his face and leaned in to put my lips on his.
"You taste amazing." He whispered.
I was pressed up against the display window as Nat kissed me. His hand started to make his up my shirt. His rough hands touched my smooth skin. It was like fireworks going off.
"You guys almost done?" I herd a deep voice ask sarcastically.
I pulled away immediately and stared at the figure.
"Who are you?" I asked.
"Isaac, I may ask you the same question."
"I'm Nat and this is Red." He said.
"She's a keeper, with a name like that anyways. Who names there kid Red?"
"My parents." I lied.
"I think there's more to it then that babe."
"Hey the only one who gets to call her babe is me." Nat stood straight.
"My bad." He snickered, "I'll leave you two." He said walking away.
"Gosh, that guy was an asshole." Nat said leaning again.
"Yeah, are you going to start calling me babe now?"
"You bet babe." He kissed my neck.
"We should get going." I said.
"Awe come on." He furthered down my neck.
"Let's go." I said dragging him off.
"One more kiss."
He put his lips on mine and gave me a passionate kiss.
"Now let's go." I pulled him out of the store.
Babe, I could get used to that. Nat was my first kiss hopefully my last.
"You haven't had new clothes in a awhile would you like to treat your self?" I asked.
"Yeah that'd be nice." He grabbed my hand and we went into a men's store and he picked out some new clothes.
He took off his shirt and it revealed all of his battle scars.
"You know when we get to Texas this is all going to be over, no more pain." I ran my fingers over the scars.
"That sounds good." He took my hands and kissed them.
I smiled and let him get dressed. He slipped on a grey long sleeve shirt and heavy thick pants along with a heavy winter coat.
"You look cute." I pecked him on the lips.
We went back to the lounge.
"So, uh, Sofie how old are you?" Evan asked her.
"Me too." Evan smiled.
They looked cute together.
"We set you guys some extra tents and stuff." Frank said.
"Thank you so much for everything." Tate said hugging Jessie.
"And your not cold?" Frank asked.
"Alright then. I have to go find my son Isaac."
"No need I'm right here dad." Isaac came from the darkness.
"Look who's back." Athena rolled her eyes.
She didn't look very happy she hasn't looked happy since we got here. She had ashy brown hair like her sisters but it stopped at her shoulders. Her eyes appeared to be blue, but they were darker than her sisters.
"Oh shut up." Isaac rolled his eyes.
I looked at Nat with a worried face. He wrapped his strong arm around me.
"What are you guys a thing now." Tate shouted.
"Yeah, dude I caught them making out." Isaac threw us under the bus.
"Wow." Tate stomped off.
"Wow, way to go jerk off." Athena added.
"People have to know what's going on right?" Isaac explained.
"Are you fucking kidding me." I muttered under my breath.
"You got a problem sweet heart."
"Dude, seriously?" Nat leaned more into me.
"I have a headache I'm going to bed." I said trying to avoid conflict.
"You don't get headaches, your immune." Isaac sat down,
I rolled my eyes and slipped into a yellow tent.
I laid on my back and rubbed my temples.
"You okay, babe?"
"I'm fine. I just don't want them to kick us out."
"Let's go to bed." Nat laid next to me.
He stoked his long fingers through my hair until I fell asleep.
My eyes rolled open and I sat up and peeked through the zipper of the tent. It was still dark outside. I saw Isaac sitting alone by the fire. He wiped his eyes and put his head in his hands. I debated, should I go and comfort him, or just go back to bed.
I'll just do the human thing to do and go ask. I rubbed my eyes and crawled out of the tent.
"What do you want?" He said in a cold tone.
"I came out here to cheer you up." I said.
"Yeah, well I don't need you to cheer me up, I don't need anyone." He said.
"Listen, don't do that, don't shut people out. We're all in this together, we have to stick together. If we don't then the things outside win. Everything will fall apart."
"Your being dramatic. If I was gone it wouldn't change anything."
"Are you kidding me? That's a lie, your dad and your sisters would be destroyed. I would even be sad and I just met you." I said.
"My mom died because she was trying to save me." He looked at the fire.
"That's a parents job." I smiled.
"No, it's not."
"That little girl, Jessie, she's like a daughter to me. I would die for her. Technically I am going to die for her, for you, and just every survivor there is."
"That's a huge sacrifice."
"Yeah, it is."
"You're welcome." I patted his shoulder.
I crawled back into my tent and cuddled with Nat.
"Babe, that was nice of you." He whispered in my ear sleepy.
"Yeah." I looked at the roof of the tent.
The thought that I had to die and loose all of these amazing people, made me tear up a little bit. I don't want to die, but I have too.
"Red, you okay." Nat said in a husky voice.
"Yeah, Sorry."
I wiped my eyes.
I soon fell asleep on that horrible thought, that is soon going to be a reality.
I felt someone shake me.
"What." I mumbled.
"Red, it's time to go." A voice said.
"But, I'm tired." I rolled over.
"Fine." I rolled over and looked at a blank face, "Are you okay Nat?" I asked.
I felt worry run through me.

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