Chapter 31

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I am here at Porsild Hotels were my ex gf and her boyfriend held their engagement.

"hello Jhon, serve a drink for my ex gf and put something on her drink. I'll be waiting at the bathroom. I'm sure she will be there."

"Copy boss"

"Don't you dare mess with the plan or I'll blow your head."



I saw Irfan with his men. I know what they are doing inside this hotel. I will fucking blow his head for sure.

I report to the radio using the mic at the lower part of my suit and a small earbuds on my left ear. I know that his sudden disappearance after his men showed off in the hotel last six months ago will surely lead him to do this shit.

"Alpha 1, Alpha 1.... Do not let your eyes off from Anntonia. Irfan's here with his mean."

"This is Alpha 1, Roger that"

"Report to me immediately if there's something going on in your post."


I went to Leo and Bambam

"I'll excuse this two for a few minutes."

"Hey! What's with the excuse thing?"

"Don't act dumb Bambam. Irfan's here and his men. I already asked our agents to keep their eyes close to Anntonia"

"Michelle know this already?"

"No. That man really. He never use her earpiece. How would he know just like you too?"

"Right. You are doomed Leo"

"I'll check the CCTV cameras." Leo said

"I'll go to Mich Bambam. Just watch closely. Report everything to Uncle Derek. They'll know what to do."

"Copy that. Let's act fool. We don't need to give hint to Irfan that we're attacking him instead."

"Right. Proceed to the plan."

I left Bambam and we walk separately.

"Mich, you think we can announce your engagement to end it right now?"

"What's happening?"

"Use your earpiece dude. I saw irfan's men's lurking around this hotel. I know that Irfan's here. Leo is now checking the CCTV on Anntonia's Room. Where's Anntonia anyway?"

"At the restroom. She said that she's like want to vomit so she told me she will go the there."

"Yah! You should come with her."

"Alpha 1 Alpha 1. Check the rest room and look for Anntonia. Report as soon as you saw her."

"Roger that."

"Leo, what's happening?"

"The Camera's are all broken. Fuck this shit! Our men's are not responding here. I tap their faces but they didn't even budge"

"Surround the exit and the entrance of this hotel. Find my fiancee" Michelle said in a calming voice

"Mich, the police is coming. Uncle Derek report it immediately. They are on the way."

"Fuck this shit. I'll go and find my fiancee. Give me my gun! "


Irfan vs Michelle so hot!!

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