1: maybe it was a bad idea.

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This takes place right after Wilhelm's speech in season 2 (i think it's kinda obvious, but hey)
Wilhelm's pov

Oh. My. God?! I just did that.. I'm really proud of myself to say the least.. Okay maybe I'm like- superduper proud of myself. I just came out to- like- all of fucking Sweden..

I walk off the little stage that was placed there for me and go back inside the school.
Of course im kind of panicking because I have no idea how my mom is gonna react, but in a good way you know?.. Even though I'm pretty sure she's gonna be pissed and send me to a different school, al the way in Germany, but I guess it would be worth it... I hope.
But was it actually worth it? I didn't have to do that. And of course I wasn't really allowed to- but i wanted to, I really really wanted to. I mean- after making Simon go through all of that shit a few months ago, this is the least I could do for him to make things right.

When I'm just standing in a random hallway, thinking about all the consequences, I hear a voice call my name. "Wille? Where are you?" I hear as I see Simon peeking behind the door. "There you are!" He says with a really big, but cute smile forming on his face as he runs up to me and jumps into my arms. "I am so so so proud of you!" He says as he removes his head from my shoulder to look at me. I don't respond. Well- not with words.
I drop him and push him against the wall. Then I kiss him. This time, kissing feels different. Knowing that we can be free, makes it feel so different, even though we've kissed many, many times before. We kiss for a bit, but then Simon starts to move his hands up my chest, trying to unbutton my blouse. "Simon- wait- we shouldn't do this here." I say with a slight smirk on my face. He puts his hands down again. "Yeah.. you're right" he says and laughs in the most adorable way ever. "I'm always right" I say, teasing him in a sarcastic way, as I'm fixing the buttons on my blouse.
Eventually we walk out of the hallway, and then back outside again. Everyone already went inside, except for the headmistress, she's talking to my mother. They look really serious. As they notice me and Simon standing in the doorway, my mom quickly stops talking and walks up to us.

"Are you proud of yourself?" She asks angry and irritated. "You want me to go?" Simon whispers, I nod yes, then he walks back into the school again and disappears behind a wall.

"What the hell were you thinking?! Did you really think that that was a good idea?"
"mom plea-"
"I thought we've talked about this, and I think its very clear that this was not what we agreed on! Are you out of your mind?!"
"I'm sorry, okay? But what about me?.. what about what I want? If this works for me then what's the fucking problem, mom?!"
"Do you really think that there are absolutely no consequences for what you've just done?! And don't you dare use that language against me young man!"

I take a deep breath and look down to the ground. Maybe she's right. I seriously thought that there were no consequences. Maybe it was a bad idea.

"We'll talk about this another time. Go back to your dorm, and don't talk about this when I'm gone."

I smile an obviously fake smile as response, then she walks away without saying anything else, leaving me to stand there, with my eyes filled with tears.
The proudness and happiness that had filled my body a few minutes ago has left and turned into pure disgust, anger and sadness.

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