6: In the hallway

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(I kind of dont know how to continue the story, so i might just make some oneshots :) And also HAVE YALL SEEN THE TRAILER?! OH. MY. GOD.)

! Light smut warning !

Simons POV

I slow down my pace as i get to the end of the long hallway somewhere in the school and hide myself behind the corner of a row of lockers. Usually this hallway is crowded with people. It feels weird being in here alone, especially in the dark. I close my eyes and rest my head on the wall. I can feel my head throbbing because of the loud music coming from the party, back at the other side of the school. I can feel the beat of the music get faster, then the beat drops, leaving everyone to yell even louder than they already were.

Suddenly i hear a door open. Even though im breathing way louder than im supposed to be, i can still hear them get closer, and closer. I peek behind the lockers and see a familiar silhouette. It's the person who i gave up my whole night for that was supposed to be fun, all because i wanted to avoid speaking, or even just seeing him. He stops walking a few meters away from me and leans agains the wall thats in front of me.

Trying to remain calm and slow down my breaths i scan the place for a better hiding spot. The door in front of me catches my eye, and i slowly tip toe towards it, hoping he wouldn't see me. I twist the doorknob as gentle as i can, still making an awfully loud noise just to find out that the door is locked. I put my forehead on the wall and mouth the word "fuck", squeezing my eyes shut.

Then i hear footsteps coming towards me again.

fuck, fuck, fuck!

"what the hell are you doing here?" The boy asks me and lets out a small laugh.

I turn around to face him.

"Were you following me in here, Wille? What the fuck is wrong with you?! You know that we ar-" I got interrupted by a hand covering my mouth and his body basically falling onto mine, pushing me against the door.

He's so close to me that his hair is brushing against my face. He gently takes his hand off my mouth and places his head next to mine, wich makes me feel his breath on my neck. He grabs one of my hands and pins it against the wall.

"Do you want me to go?" He whispers onto my skin, already knowing what my answer is gonna be.

After asking me that question he starts quickly placing soft kisses onto my neck, and up to my jaw, trying to make it harder for me to speak.

He moves his head next to my ear. "I'm waiting for an answer, Simon." he whispers.

"Do you want me to leave or do you want me to keep going?" He asks and starts softly kissing my neck again, making it impossible for me to tell him to go.

"fuck- please keep going.." I beg and let out a shaky breath.

He starts moving his hands from my neck to my chest, then down to my stomach, places them on my waist and slightly pushes himself onto me, leaving me to sloftly groan into his mouth.

I close the gap between us greedily and move my hand up to his chest, undoing the buttons on his blouse.

He pulls me away from the wall and leads me to a different wall, slowly getting closer to his room.

He drops his blouse on the ground and pins me against the wall again.

I put my hand on the back of his neck, into his hair and tug it gently, making him moan softly into the kiss.

I let go of his hair and place my hand on his chest. He pulls away from the kiss and his eyes follow my hand thats tracing down his stomach, and then tightly grips on his belt.

He looks up at me again, staring straight into my eyes. "Can you take it off?" He asks quietly and looks back down at my hand again.

I smirk. "Speak up, love" i say, teasing him.

"I want you to take it off." He says shamelessly without even hesitating.

"Not here." i say. "lets take this to your room, okay?"

"No- please do it now.." He debates and grabs my other hand and puts it on his belt too.

I look around, even though i know no one is in here, but notice the music stopped.

I look back at Wille. "The music stopped. We should really just continue in your room, okay? We're gonna get caught again if we don't hurry up." I say as i take my hands off his belt.

"Fine.." he huffs and looks down with a sudden blank face.

"Wille." I place my hands on his cheeks to make him look at me again.

I slightly smile at him, and he smiles back.

"C'mon." I say and remove my hands from his face.

He grabs his blouse from the ground, and then we walk to his room, wich was only a few steps away, by the way.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10 ⏰

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