4: just a fun little game...

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Wilhelm's pov

"What time is it?" Simon asks after a while.
I grab my phone from my desk and check the time.
"11:24 am" I reply.
"Fuck" he whispers as he kicks the blanket off him and gets out of my bed.
"What's wrong?" I ask confused.
"My mom said she would pick me up at 10:30!..
Shit- where's my phone?!" He panics.
"Calm down! I'm sure it's fine, just text her." I say.
"Yeah I'm gonna, but I can't find my fucking phone!" He replies.
I quietly laugh, but he notices.
"Quit laughing you jerk!" He says half sarcastic, wich makes me laugh even more.
"Asshole." He whispers, thinking I didn't hear him, as he finally finds his phone in the pocket of his pants that are laying somewhere in my room.
"2 missed calls from mom." He says.
I just sit on my bed and smile at everything he's doing. He's so adorable.

"She says that it's fine but I should text her earlier next time." He says.
"Did you text her?" I ask.
"Mhm" he replies, as he walks over to my bed again and climbs in.
"Didn't you have to go home?" I ask him, hoping he would say he could stay here forever.
"Why? You want me to go home?" He asks jokingly.
"Wha- no! I didn't mean it like that- I just wanted to know if you had to go home.." I say quickly, even though I know he was joking.
"I was joking" he says and looks at me in my eyes.
I smile and nod awkwardly.
"Idiot" he says and laughs softly, wich makes me laugh too.

No one's pov

After a while of the 2 boys just talking, laughing and cuddling with eachother, Simon decided to go home to his mom "facetime me when you get home" wille said before Simon walked out the door. Then Wille did some homework and put on some music.
After a while he got a call.. but it wasn't from his lover. "No called id" it said.

Wilhelm's pov

No caller id? It's probably one of these reporters from a different country asking if they could interview me. So I decline the call and go back to my homework.

Then I get a message from Simon, so obviously I open it.

Simme🫶: Answer the call. Please. I need you.

What the hell? Am I in the fucking scream movies?
Then I get another text.

Simme🫶: Come on. I need ur help. Please.

My help? With what would he need my help? I should ask him. But as I'm about to ask him, the number calls me again. This time I pick up.

"Hello, Wilhelm."
"Who the fuck is this?!"
"Oh don't be scared. I just want to play a fun little game with you and your boyfriend."

At this point I think I might actually be in the scream movies..

"What do you want?" I ask.
He switches to facetime.
Then I see Simon, tied up against a bench, sitting on the ground behind it. He's not moving. But if he's not moving, who the fuck texted me from his phone?!

"Simon?! What the fuck is this?" I ask worried.
"I'm not gonna hurt anyone, don't worry. Goodluck finding him! And remember.. it's just a fun little game!!" He says and hangs up.

Goodluck finding him?! That- person really wants me to go find him?! Well, I mean I basically have to, because I'm not gonna let him sit there and do nothing about it!!
I stand up and walk around my room, thinking about what the fuck I should do. I have no idea where that bench is!? I'll call felice for help.

"Felice?! Hello?" I quickly say as I notice she picked up the phone.
"Hey Wille! What's up?"
"I need your help! And quickly!"
"Okay. With what?"
"This might sound fucking crazy, wich it is, but I just got a call from I have absolutely no idea who, they said they wanted me to find Simon. They turned on facetime and then I saw Simon sitting somewhere, tied up against a bench! And the worst part is: I have no fucking idea where that bench is!!"
"I'll be there in a second" she says as she hangs up.

No one's pov

Since Felice said she would be there in a second, Wille starts putting on his shoes, because he has to go find Simon.
When he was done putting on his shoes, there was a knock on the door. He opens it, and it's Felice.
Wille explains one more time what just happened, and then they go outside, to look for benches. They're skipping the places where they know from that the bench isn't there, and go to places when they in some of them, haven't even been before. From a bench at the water, all the way to a bench in front of Simon's house. Obviously he isn't there, but they just wanted to make sure. Everytime they see a bench where Simon isn't sitting behind, they say something like "fucking hell!!" or "for fucks sake!!".

They can't find him fucking anywhere!!

"We should stop." Felice says after a while.
"What?! No way! I'm not stopping!" Wille replies.
"This isn't gonna work, Wille! We should call the police!!" Felice says.
"You can go, but I'm not stopping. I have to find him." Wille says as he continues walking, and walks away from felice.

"You're not gonna find him!!" Felice shouts as she sees Wille almost walking around the corner of the street, still standing in the exact same spot, hoping he would turn around and listen to her.
But Wille will do anything to find his lover.

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