3: im just a boy, you're the crown prince

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Simon's pov

And there he was. The crown prince of fucking Sweden, laying next to me in his bed, sleeping peacefully. He looks like an angel, a fucking god, he's so perfect. Everytime, even when we're literally just sitting next to eachother in class, doing stupid maths, or history, I always wonder how I, me, just a normal boy who moved to Sweden with his mom and sister, got so lucky to have the crown prince as his boyfriend.

I'm not special at al, he's fucking royal.

As I try to switch positions and lay on my back, I accidentally wake him up.

"Hey" I say as he's slowly waking up.
"Hey" he replies, with his eyes still halfway closed, getting blinded by the bright light from the window.
I smile at the sight of it.
"What?" He asks, forming a smile on his lips.
"Nothing. You're adorable when you're still half asleep." I say.
"Really? I'd rather say I look like a zombie" he replies sarcastically. I laugh and lay back down, facing the perfect boy laying in front of me.

Yesterday was kind of- intense.. especially for Wille. We haven't really talked about it yet, but I don't want to upset him with it again. I do really wanna know what happened tho, I wanna be here for him. I just wish I could take all his problem so he doesn't have to worry that much anymore, but that's obviously impossible.

"Do you maybe wanna talk about what happened yesterday?" I ask, not forcing him to do anything he doesn't want to do.
As I ask him that question, his adorable smile turns into an obvious fake one.
"We don't have to if you don't want to" i quickly say as I see.
"Maybe later." He replies with his smile now gone, replaced by his eyes slowly filling with tears.

I shouldn't have asked him that. Not when he was finally feeling a bit better again. I'm such an idiot.

"Hey- I'm sorry for reminding you, I'm really sorry. We don't have to talk about it. Come here." I say, and quickly pull him in for a hug.

I made him cry when he was finally feeling a bit better. Nice job, Simon.

Wilhelm's pov

I've been crying in Simons arms for a few minutes, and I'm finally starting to calm down again. I'm pretty sure he feels guilty for making me cry, wich makes me also feel guilty because it's not his fault. Sometimes I feel like such a crybaby. I mean, if I'm feeling even the slightest bit sad, I can cry about anything. Simon has always been here for me, through everything. It feels like I haven't been doing the same for him. When he's feeling down I can obviously tell, but he never tells me what's going on.
Some nights I'm so worried about him, I get no sleep. And for what? I don't know. I have no idea what I should be worried about if he doesn't want to tell me. But the fact that he doesn't want to tell me is the thing that makes me worried. Ughhh..

I realised I finally stopped crying, and so did Simon, so he pulls away and looks at me. His eyes and cheeks are bright red. He has been crying the whole time, and I didn't even notice a thing because I was too busy with myself.
"Wait.. why are you crying?" I ask as I move my hand up to his face, placing it on his cheek.
"I feel bad for making you cry. I'm sorry" he replies, and another tear falls from his eye, onto my hand.
"Hey, there's no need to feel bad! It's not your fault, I promise." I say, softly caressing his cheek.

He wipes away his tears and smiles. I smile back, but I'm still worried.
"Are you okay?" I ask him.
"Yeah, I'm fine. Are you tho? I'm sorry- I just made it all about me," he says, and he starts kind of panicking as he realises he 'made it all about himself' wich he didn't, by the way.
"How are you feeli-" he continues, but I interrupt him by placing a soft kiss on his lips.
"I'm feeling perfectly fine, now let me worry about you for once, okay?" I say as I place my forehead onto his. He smiles in response and closes his eyes.

"Sometimes I wonder what you see in me." He says after a while of complete silence.
"What do you mean with that?" I say with a small laugh.
"I don't know, I mean, I'm just a boy, you're the crown prince, I'm not special, you're royal." He says.
At this point I can't tell if he's serious or not.
"Well, you're really special to me, and I love you very very much." I reply.
He quickly covers his face with his hand as he realises he's blushing.
I smile at the sight of it.
"You're adorable" I whisper really soft, I barely heard myself, and I'm not sure if Simon heard it. But he did, and he giggles as I say it, wich make me giggle too.

Simon's pov

Who would've guessed that the crown prince giggles? Well, I don't know, but I do know that it's really really really adorable.
Then Wille moves and lays on his back, and looks at the ceiling. I'm just staring at him, untill he notices and looks at me. I quickly look away.
"Like what you see?" He says and laughs.
I look back at him.
"Shut up" is all I can say.
"Why? Does my voice turn you on?" He says sarcastically, teasing me.
"Shut uuupppp" I say again. I'm too embarrassed to say anything else.
He laughs. "Do you say anything else?" He says, still sarcastic.
I shake my head.
I mean, he can't annoy me if I just don't speak.
"Do you give up?" He asks with a smirk on his face.
As you can see, I was wrong.
"Leave me aloneee! I'll report this to the headmistress as bullying and harassment!!" I say, trying to shut him up. But he obviously knows I won't do that, wich is true.
"Harassment?! Damn that's mean!" He replies and puts on a sad face, and starts fake crying. Then he stops.

I look at him.
He looks at me.
Complete silence..
And then we burst out in laughter.

He's such an idiot, but he's my idiot, and I love him so so much.

"I love you" I say as we finally calmed down a bit.
"I love you more." He replies.
"Impossible" I say.
There is no way he loves me more. I love him to the moon and back. I love him more that anything... That sounds so cheesy, but it's true.

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