5: atleast before I'm dead.

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Simon's pov

My eyes start to slowly open. It hurts... Everything hurts. I don't remember anything.

My vision is blurry and I can't move my arms, they're tied up together behind my back. What am I doing outside and why am I tied up to a bench?
My phone is laying right in front of me, it keeps turning on because im getting millions of texts.
Then I get a call, its Wille. There's only one way for me to pick up the call.
I bend down, with my face going all the way to my phone that's laying on the ground and press the green button on the screen with my nose.

"Simon?! Where are you? Are you okay? Did he hurt you? Tell me where you are I'll come get you!" He immediately says as I pick up. "I- uhm- I don't know where I am.. I don- I don't remember anything." I say with a shaking voice. "Just tell me what you see around you, tell me what it looks like." He says trying to keep me calm, even though he can barely keep himself calm. "I'm-.. I'm scared please come and get me- please.." I say as I'm starting to cry. I mean- being tied up against a bench and not remembering where the fuck you are is kind of scary.."It's okay, just tell me what it looks like around you." He asks again. "I don't know- it's just- just trees and some bushes.. there are like 4 houses- one of them is like- it's like round.. I-" I say panicked. I don't know if I'm going insane or if that house is actually round.. "Just calm down okay? I'll find you, I promise." He says almost whispering. "Just stay on the phone okay?" He says. "Okay.." I reply, and stay silent after that.

After a while I hear footsteps so I quickly look around. It's someone running towards me, but it's not who I expected it to be. It's someone wearing all black and their face is covered. They keep getting closer and closer, then they reach the bench.
"Wait- No! Stop- please!" I say, as I see the huge knife their hand.
"Simon?! Hey what's going on? Are you okay?!" Wille says through the phone. I don't respond. I can't do anything but just sit there in fear, hoping I wouldn't get brutally stabbed to death.
As the person in black realises I'm on a call, he stomps my phone untill its broken.
"No! Please-" I cry out helplessly.
Then the person kneels down next to me and puts the knife under my chin, making me look up to them.
"Please.." I whisper, hoping he would leave me alone.
"Please don't.. I haven't done anything wrong- I swear! Just.. Please-" I say terrified with tears falling down on my cheeks.
Then he softly presses the blade on my neck. They keep slowly pressing harder, even cutting through my skin. There's now blood coming out of my neck falling down on my shirt, but he keeps pressing the knife against my neck. I want to move away my head, but I can't. If I do that he'll probably cut my throat. So I just stay still and suffer from the pain while silently crying. I'm sure someone will find me, atleast before I'm dead.

Wilhelm's pov

"Simon! Simon wake up!!" I say, softly slapping his cheek, hoping it would wake him up- well.. his eyes are open but he keeps telling 'the man' to leave him alone. I'm pretty sure someone, or the person who put him here drugged him while he was out.. I don't know how.. but I don't know what else could be happening to him.
"Please... don't- don't touch me!" He keeps saying.
"Hey!! Simon- stop!!" I say as I grab his face with my hands to make him look at me. Then he snaps out of it. He starts breathing faster as he slowly realises what's going on.
"Wha- don't- no leave me alone!" He shouts at me. His voice sounds panicked, but also really confused.
"It's okay, you're okay." I whisper, trying to calm him down.
After a bit he starts calming down.
"Wha- I'm- what happened? I swear he was- but how? I swear I could feel it.. i could feel it cutting through my skin I-" he says, not knowing what's going on and not knowing what to say or how to act.
"There's no one here but me okay? I promise." I say.
"But- what happened?" He asks.
"I found you when we were on the call. I untied your hands and sat with you. But then you started acting like there was someone who was stabbing your throat with a knife. You couldn't hear what I was saying anymore, it was like you were in some kind of trance." I explain to him.
"What?... but I swear I felt it.. I-" he says, trying his best not to start crying again.
"I know. But there was no one here except for me and you." I reply.
"Are you sure?" He asks, not knowing if he should believe me or not.
"I'm sure." I reply, hoping he would accept the fact there was no one.
"Okay.." he whispers as he looks away from me and rests his head on the back of the bench.
"Are you feeling okay?" I ask him, just to make sure he's alright.
"Yeah. Just confused. But I'm fine." He says, not showing any emotions.
"Not hurt?" I ask.
"Just my wrists," he says as he hold up his arms to look at his wrists. "But they'll be fine."
"Okay." I say.
He takes a deep breath and closes his eyes. I hope he's seriously feeling okay.
"You wanna go to my dorm?" I ask him after a bit.
"Mhm" he replies.
I get up, then I help Simon get up.
As he's standing he immediately grabs the bench.
"Hey are you okay?" I ask.
"Yeah- my legs hurt. But I think I can walk." He replies.
"Are you sure? You know I can carry you right?" I say, softly laughing.
"Yeah I'm sure." He says and lets go of the bench.
He takes a step, but then immediately grabs my arm.
"Sorry- i-" he says embarrassed.
"Come here I'll carry you." I say as I lift him up.
"Is this better?" I ask as I look at him.
"Yeah," he softly laughs. "Thanks."
"Of course." I say as I start walking to my dorm.
"I love you." He says with his head laying on my shoulder.
"I love you too." I reply, and smile to myself.

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