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In the vast expanse of emptiness before time began, a void as dark as the deepest abyss enveloped everything. In this boundless nothingness, a singular, minuscule glimmer of light flickered into existence. Its radiance held an unfathomable heat, burning intensely within the profound obscurity. With relentless fervor, this tiny spark surged and swelled until it could contain its incandescent energy no more. And then, in a cataclysmic burst, it erupted.

This explosion, born from that infinitesimal point, unfurled with unimaginable force, stretching the fabric of existence itself. From this monumental event sprang forth the very essence of creation—space, time, and energy, sculpting what we now recognize as our universe, perhaps part of a vast multiverse if possible.

Within this newborn cosmic expanse, a symphony of mysteries unfolded. Amidst the celestial ballet, our own humble planet mother Earth, found its place—a mere speck within the vast cosmic theater. Despite its diminutive size in the grand scheme of the universe, Earth endured myriad cataclysms, undergoing cycles of destruction and rebirth.


After countless ages, a pivotal moment arrived—a time when intelligence was poised to emerge. From the crucible of this resilient world, Earth, teeming with life, ushered in an unstoppable force in the form of tiny microbes dancing in the waters.

From enduring countless challenges laid by Mother Earth, these humble microbes evolved into the planet's most intelligent species.

These species began to develop remarkable abilities such as hunting, dancing, and singing in form of art, while nurturing diverse cultures and traditions. As their curiosity grew, they questioned the very essence of existence, leading them to create religion and formulate the concept of god as answers to their deepest inquiries.

As time flowed through the ages, inhabitants of the Indian subcontinent embarked on a journey of enlightenment, seeking truth through spirituality and pondering the essence of their existence. Taking inspiration from ancient Vedic philosophies and modern scientific assertions, I am inclined to share my thoughts on reality.


The answer to the birth of the universe remains shrouded in mystery and beyond our grasp. When pondering the origin of the universe, both science and religions offer their respective explanations. Science posits the occurrence of the Big Bang as a natural event, its cause still veiled in mystery. On the other hand, religions propose the creation by a supreme natural power known as God.

One night, I contemplated creation and the creator, and this is what I pondered: our brain governs us, correct? Then how does the brain itself function automatically? We acknowledge the brain's natural existence, but what about entities like plants, planets, microbes, and atoms? How do they operate? If it's due to cells, how do cells possess self-awareness?How does space is like an unseen fabric ? How is an unfelt fabric formed? How did heat formed during the Big Bang? Furthermore, how was light created? Science explains the existence of electrons, protons, neutrons, and more, but it hasn't elucidated their existence within atoms or how awareness influences the functioning of these natural entities. The solution I found to this all questions is there must be something which is giving awareness to this natural entities. And I have realised that is "CONSCIOUSNESS"

WE : The consciousness 
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