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During childhood, as we first came to know the concepts of God and religion, it sparks our interest. Our parents, friends, or relatives often tell us that all our wishes will be fulfilled by God through belief and prayer. Initially, our wishes are small and easily granted, strengthening our belief in God. However, as we grow older, we begin to notice that not all our wishes come true, and it seems like God isn't listening to our prayers. We start questioning the existence of God. Why can't we see Him? Why have only a few people claimed to see or hear God? Are these just fake stories?

After many questions, some people stop thinking about God and blindly believe in Him simply because others do. But some others continue to question and eventually become atheists, concluding that there is no evidence for God's existence. Then there are those who end up as agnostics, confused between atheism and theism, remaining neutral.

In my view, neither atheists nor theists are entirely correct. Theists blindly believe in God and religion, while atheists blindly reject them. Let me illustrate this with a simple story:

Two people are walking on the road and come across a number written on the ground. One says it's a 6, and the other insists it's a 9. They argue until a third person writes the number in words, and they both get the right number . Similarly, theists claim there is a God but cannot provide satisfactory proof for atheists, and atheists argue there is no God but cannot explain natural phenomena without a higher power. Both lack complete knowledge, often driven by ego to assert their beliefs as the only truth while dismissing others as foolish.


We need to become the "SEEKERS".

Despite being the most intelligent species on our planet, our understanding of the universe remains limited. Just think about how recently we believed in a flat Earth; it shows how much we still have to learn about our own planet, let alone the cosmos. then how can you believe that we know all about the creator ? or the nature of a higher power? How can you come to conclusion that whatever is said in our religious scriptures are absolute truth ? we should think about that.

Similarly, atheists should acknowledge that if religious texts failed to explain the universe or god logically it doesn't necessarily disprove the existence of a divine being. Perhaps the descriptions of God in these texts are incomplete, or the entities they worship are myth or misunderstood. Nonetheless, this doesn't mean that there is no higher power. We need to continue exploring both the universe and ourselves, recognizing that even our bodies are complex ecosystems for micro organisms. Without comprehensive knowledge, we cannot definitively conclude the absence of a god or supernatural forces.

As the famous astronomer Carl Sagan said, "Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence." This reminds us of the importance of demanding substantial evidence to support any extraordinary assertions. In essence, embracing the role of seekers encourages ongoing exploration, critical thinking, and humility in the face of the vast mysteries of the universe.

For what do we need to become seekers? What happens if we discover the truth? Are we the only ones seeking understanding about the universe? What is our purpose in seeking? What is the purpose of our lives? To find out the answers to these questions, stay tuned for the next part.


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15 ⏰

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