8. Friend

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"Wedding bells!" Mallory declared. "You two looked perfect. And guess what?"


"The Queen totally loved your dress!"

"She did!" Tully squealed.

"And we all know that the queen has final say on her sons union." Mallory added. "You are a sure fit for him!"

"I think Helaena likes me. She even introduced me as her friend! Aemond agreed to dance with me when she asked. You think if im friends with Helaena she could put a good word in?"

"She already called you her friend. Its worth a shot." Mallory agreed. "But dont forget about little ole me when you marry aemond and have his royal babies."

"Never! You will be god mother to them." Tully assured. "Speaking of babies..."

"Oh right yes." Mallory leaned back on her palms. "What do you want to know?"

"Everything." Tully begged.

"Most biys dont know what they are doing." Mallory remarked honestly. "They are so eager too." Tully leaned in intrigued. "They dont understand that sex should be like a dance not a race. They rip of their clothes and have their cock swinging around like 'ready for me?'" She made her voice deeper in mock. "Then its over pretty quick. If you tell a man you are saving yourself for marriage however," mallory smirked. "Men know how to please. They kiss and suck and touch every inch of you."

"Every?" Tully countered both appealed and horrified at the thought.

"And if a man knows where the clit is keep him forever." Mallory added.

"The what?" Tully questioned.

"I have so much to teach you."

"I have so much to learn." Tully agreed.


"They are beautiful. They have such beautiful hair." Tully added. "I wish I had hair like you." Helaena chuckled touching her silver straight hair.

"Its so bland." Helaena countered. "I like your hair."

"You do?" Tully exclaimed, eyes wide as she looked up from little Maelor.

"Its all wavy and full of life." Helaena agreed. "I cant do anything with mine," tully stared back at helaena before touching her own hair.

"My hair looks like a rats nest in the morning." Tully admitted. "I bet you go to sleep perfect and wake up perfect too."

"Im hardly perfect." Helaena countered.

"You are the princess you have a husband and three children. You are living every girls dream." Tully corrected. Helaena shrugged.

"I would rather have a true friend like you have in Mallory as opposed to a husband." Helaena admitted. Tully smiled softly.

"Mallory is the best. We should all have tea together!" Tully decided. "We can be the best of friends and when I marry Aemond we will be sisters!" Helaena chuckled. She knew aemond had no want or need to marry but tully was sweet and treated helaena kindly while other ladies that wanted Aemonds attention thought helaena was strange and avoided her.

"I would really like that." Helaena agreed.

"You were out with mallory a long while." Larys remarked as they sat down for supper.

"I was out with helaena too." Tully informed him proudly. "Her children like me. Well they like pulling on my hair." She added softly. "But helaena likes my hair. Said it was full of life!"

"It is." Larys agreed. Tully smiled down at her plate. Larys had attempted to make them supper. She pulled her hair back with a thick blue ribbon and made a mental note to get a green ribbon for her hair.

"Thank you for supper Larys. Looks yummy." Tully added.

"You are a dreadful liar my dear." Larys corrected. Tully blushed sheepishly as she plucked a roll from the basket. "But thank you. I try."

"You are the best brother ever." Tully assured.

"I try on that front too," larys agreed.  "So tell me what you and the princess spoke of."

"We are having tea tomorrow." Said Tully as a giddy smile pulled at her lips.

"Thats lovely." Larys agreed. She nodded eagerly.

"I like Helaena. Shes really nice. She is going to be my sister one day." Tully remarked. Larys chuckled taking a bite of the meat loaf. He spit it back out. "Tully, please dont eat that. Lets go out to the tavern and find something edible."

"Im sure its not that bad." Tully offered bringing the fork to her mouth. She took a bite. It was both burned and raw and chewy at the same time. Larys face pinched. "Its..."

"Lets go out. Treat ourselves." Larys suggested dumping the food.

"Good idea."

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