12. Am I Breathing?

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New Years Day / Roy Kent out now!

''Smaller than I remember." Jace remarked. It had been years since they were last at kings landing.

''It looks exactly the same.' Luke countered. "Right Tully?" 

"It hasnt changed much, if at all." Tully agreed but her gaze shifted to Aemond, she knew that mans fighting style anywhere. Plus his long silver hair was a dead give away. 

''Ah, Luke, come on.'' Jace said leading him around a smile on his face. ''See? I told you this would still be here." He picked up a sword, one of the old swords from when they were training as children.

"Yeah, Criston has upgraded." Mallory added winking dramatically back at Tully. 

''And you thought you could swing Criston's morning star.''  Jace recalled. 

''And you almost took your own head off.'' Luke counted, a big smile on his face as Tully smiled, laughing softly with them. Luke's happiness would not be ruined by Jace's sour face. Jace turned away from the men that whispered as they passed, the women too. ''What's your problem?'' Luke hissed pulling on Jace's arm. 

''Everyone's staring at us.'' Jace told him as his eyes shifted around.

''Hyah!'' they heard the men dualling behind them. Tully and Mallory ran off. Luke sighed as the girls squealed smiling back at the fighters. 

''You are right." Luke agreed. "They are staring at us." Luke admitted. "And no one would question me being heir to Driftmark... if... if I looked more like Ser Laenor Velaryon than Ser Harwin Strong.'' Luke agreed. Jace gave his shoulder a squeeze. 

''It doesn't matter what they think.'' Jace reminded him. 

"It matters if Tully doesnt want me." Luke countered. 

"One problem at a time." Jace suggested. Tully knew she had hearts in her eyes whenever she saw Aemond that much was clear. She only saw him when they were in the same room together. This was love. 

"My girl is falling for someone else." Luke realized as they ran forward to get a better look as the crowd gasped. Aemonds sword whooshed through the air. Luke stumbled into Tully but she hardly noticed as she watched how Aemond moved. 

"Oh he beat Criston." Tully whispered to Mallory. Mallory rolled her eyes. 

"Yeah well I tired Criston out last night." Mallory countered nonchalantly. The girls shared a giggle before turning back to their men. 

"Well done, my Prince. You'll be winning tourneys in no time." Criston assured, his gaze shifted to Mallory though, she bit down on her lip as her gaze locked on him. Aemond smiled as the crowd applauded him. He noticed Tully she was hard not to notice with her thick black hair, she was taller than most girls her age. She stuck out among the knights and petite little Mallory. 

''I don't give a shit about tourneys." Aemond corrected. 

"Of course he doesnt, he doesnt do it for show, he does it because he is a warrior, he is going to be the best warrior." Tully informed Mallory but she wasnt listening, she was focused on Criston. Aemond glanced past Tully and saw Jace and Luke staring at him ''Nephews... have you come to train?''

Tully forgot they were there, she glanced back at Luke's nervous little face. Aemond took a step forward and noticed Luke's gaze shift to Tully. Aemond smirked looking to Tully, she felt faint as he locked eyes with her. 

"What do you think Tul? How did I do?" Aemond questioned. Her lips moved wordlessly for a moment before Mallory elbowed her. 

"Perfect. You are so perfect." Tully blurted out. Aemond brought his lips to her ear and Luke's face pinched with fury and rage. His brow furrowed as he narrowed his gaze on Aemond. 

"Well then you might be my good luck charm." Aemond whispered and Tully really was going to faint now. She nodded eagerly before aemond brushed past her. Tully looked to Mallory as she put her hands on her heart. 

"Am I still breathing?" Tully questioned through gasping breaths as Luke sulked off. "Is my heart still beating? I can't tell. Is this heaven?" 

"He totally wants to fuck you." Mallory agreed. 

"I would settle for a kiss." Tully corrected as she glanced back at Aemond. 

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