13. All The Happiness

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"So you and Mallory have been spending more time together... thats new." Tully remarked. Larys looked up from his book cautiously. "What are you two talking about?"

"Did you see LUke?" Larys countered.

"I did. He's gotten taller, I barely recognized him. What are you and mallory up to?" Tully questioned.

"Nothing." Larys answered.

"Larys she is my best friend you can't like my best friend!" Tully declared.

"What?" Larys declared dropping his book as he rose up. "I-"

"Can't you fall for anyone else-"

"TULLY!" Larys looked horrified at the thought. "It's not- never! Gods Mallory? No." Larys demanded. Tully chuckled out. "You monster." Larys decided.

"Mallory told me. What I dont know is why you didnt tell me you liked Alicent." Tully agreed sitting beside him as he settled on the couch again.

"I... well its a stupid crush." Larys remarked.

"So was my crush on Aemond but today he called me his good luck charm!" Tully declared. "After he was training, it was so romantic." She added in a dreamy haze.

"Well Aemond isnt married and The queen doesnt like me like that." Larys assured her.

"She could." Tully countered. "You are smart and handsome and so sweet Larys." Tully reminded him. Larys gave her a small smile.

"You are my sister you are supposed to say that." He mused.

"I wouldnt lie to you." Tully corrected. "You deserve a love like I have with Aemond."

"Tully was on cloud nine when we had tea." Helaena remarked. Aemond glanced up from his book silently. "Did you say something to her?"

"No." Aemond answered looking back to his book, Helaena pulled it from his hands.

"Tully already told me so stop lying." Helaena corrected.

"What did I say?" Aemond countered.

"She was your good luck charm?" Helaena reminded him. Aemond leaned back in his chair.

"Doesnt sound like me." Aemond corrected. "Can I have my book back?"


"Helaena." Aemond sassed.

"She really likes you, do you-"

"Lucerys Strong is here." Aemond cut in. "The little psycho likes her." Aemond corrected.

"What does that have to do with-"

"Helaena, innocent little Helaena." Aemond chuckled. "Tully is... fine I suppose but I'm going to torment Luke some more before I'm forced to marry. Especially a girl that can't string a sentence together without getting tongue tied." Helaena sighed as he held out his hand for his book.

"She just really likes you." Helaena reminded him. "Be gentle with her heart."

"I will, you take me for Aegon?" Aemond tsked grabbing his book.

"No." Helaena agreed.

"I hate him." Luke demanded.

"What happened?" Rhaenyra questioned.

"Aemond happened. We were gone too long and now I will never- GAH!" Luke shouted marching about the room.

"Is this about the petition?" Rhaenyra questioned confused.

"No." Jace assured. "Luke isnt as worried about that as he is about his crush."

"HIs crush... oh." Rhaenyra nodded. "His pen pal." She agreed. "She saw her?"

"Yes and she is with Aemond! Aemond of all people. One eyed Aemond!" Luke shouted in complete agnoy.

"You dont know she is with him." Jace countered.

"What else would you call it?" Luke countered. "My good luck charm," luke repeated in mock tone. "Gods, they are going to get married and have babies and I'm going to die alone!"

"Possibly." Jace agreed, Luke gaped back at him. "Or you fight for your girl."

"How?" Luke whined.

"I think you got this covered." Rhaenyra realized heading out for the night.

"Jace please, I will do anything, just help me get her back." Luke begged.

"Should we make a plan?" Tully questioned.

"A plan?" Larys countered.

"A plan for you and Alicent, you meet with her, she is beautiful, im sure thats where Aemond gets his good looks" Tully added.

"Complimenting Alicent by complimenting her son, how kind of you." Larys mused.

"Should we make a plan to make Alicent see you as more than a friend?"

"I dont know that we are friends." Larys countered. "I'm more a confidant."

"Thats just like a friend, I confide in Mallory and Helaena about lots of things. You two have supper together sometimes too, maybe she already likes you." Tully added. "How could she not?"

"People dont look at me like you do, Tully." Larys countered.

"And no one looked at me like you until now. I think Aemond is really starting to see me as the woman that I am." Tully declared. Larys chuckled kissing her temple.

"I hope so. You deserve all the happiness Tully."

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