18. Free

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Tully didn't want to go to the capital and rightfully so even though aegon was nowhere to be found, she hated the idea of being anywhere near where he might show up even the thought of seeing her precious aemond wasn't enough to get her to leave her bed.

" I have some business to attend to my dear." Larys remarked as he poured his little sister, another cup of tea. Like the best friend that Mallory was, she was going to stay all day and distract tully.

" is it all right if I head off just for a bit." he added.

" oh, yes, go don't stay on my behalf." Tully agreed. " I have Mallory to keep me company and you are a busy man just come home soon OK? And be careful the world is a scary place."

Larys hated that aegon made his little sister think the world was a scary place now, because she always used to think the world was so beautiful and Grand. But now she was scared to leave the house. He kissed her forehead nodding.

" I'll be right back just something I have to do."

Larys had to keep up appearances. Of course, if he was gone, someone my question it why it was gone on today of all days the day that King passed away. Even though no one was supposed to know that King was dead yet.

He also wasn't vain enough to believe that anyone would truly notice if he wasn't there. He was lord of Harrenhal yes but it wasn't like he was a man of great importance around the capital. But he was usually seen out of the corner of someones eye during the day. Enough to give him an alibi.

"Let go of me!" Allun Caswell screamed out but they had their orders and he was delivered to the hand of the king... queen.

''He was fleeing from the gate.' Larys informed Otto. It was lucky timing really but larys had a way about him that he always got what he wanted and needed in the end. Him not being able to protect his little sister that was something he would never forgive himself for. If he had just left sooner went to check on her sooner went to pick her up. Maybe it all could've been avoided.

''Do you know who I am?" Allun asked incredulously as he forced himself from the knights harsh grip.

'' A warning for the Princess, I'd wager.'' Larys went on ignoring Allun.

"What say you?" Otto asked, a fire raging behind him as he stared down Allun. He didn't need deserters. What he didn't know was that even if allun did get away, possibly the most dangerous man in all of Westeros was standing, standing right across from him, leaning on his cane acting as if nothing was wrong.

'' The Lord Confessor presumes....' Allun corrected defensively.  ''I have no love for the Princess.''

''And where were you going then with such urgency?'' Otto countered and Allun said nothing. He took this as a sign of guilt. Because he was guilty. "Let the King's Justice take him." Otto instructed and he was dragged away kicking and screaming out.

"Let go of me! No! This is not right!"

" You did well, Lord Larys." Otto said calmly and Larys nodded his thanks.

"I will make you..." Allun's words drifted off as he got farther away.

" Only my duty, my Lord Hand." Larys offered. His duty to the realms came secondary to his duty as a brother, of course.

"Who do you think you are?" Alluns voice wavered faintly from afar.

" You've spent many hours with the Queen of late." Otto remarked stiffly.

" There's no reason those hours could not, in the end, benefit you." Larys informed him, rocking his cane gently on the ground at his feet. "But right now I must get home to my sister. I promised I would pick her up some sweets from the market and I don't want to be late."

" what a good brother you are." Otto agreed. "Thank you again." Larys nodded and headed kn his way. He picked Tully upper carrot cake on his way home. Mallory and Tully we're sitting by the fire, soft smiles on their faces as they spoke. He was glad that his sister had a friend like Mallory that could help cheer her up, even after the most dreadful of nights before.

" I brought carrot cake. Your favorite."

" see what did I tell you have the best brother ever," mallory declared.  "all I got was a lousy sister that ran off when she got married I need to get me a brother."

"We cannot find him." Criston and Aemond remarked. Errky and Arryk informed Otto the same, they searched day and night for him. The moon was high and Aegon wasnt here.

Then the fisher men drew something in with their nets. It was Aegon. Dead. Mutilated. Alicent wept for her son, Aemond didnt know what to say. Helaena felt a small smile curve her lips, she knew she shouldnt be but she was free of him.

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