Chapter 5

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Up ahead, there was a glass door. Lynn was amazed by how it slided to both sides when Jack and her got near. Suddenly, a sound came off and small pieces of colored paper fell on Jack and her when they were past the door. Lynn stared at it with wonder.

"Adam, got the news already?" Jack turned to a man in his forties who was slightly bent with a bottle in his hand. He had the same eyes as them.

"Sure, did. My True Friend gave me the news," Adam said pointing to the bottle in his hand. 

Adam turned his attention to Lynn. "What's your good name?"

Lynn stood silent looking at Adam. 

Jack spoke for her. "You can call her Lynn."

"My friend, cat got her tongue?" Adam asked.

"No, she is mute," Jack answered.

"Sad," Adam looked sympathetic for a moment, he drank from his bottle, and quickly changed his face, "but that doesn't mean it's not time for celebration. We are united with our last remaining friend. Cheers!" Adam smiled and looked toward other people who were seated at the dining table.

There was a man and a boy who were seated and one lady serving them food. All of them had the same half-moon eyes. The man looked as if he was in his sixties and had fragments of white hair which was covered by a blue hat with stars. The left side of the man's shirt had three stars.  The lady was a brunette and wore a frock that was covered from top to bottom. The clothing in the stomach area looked uncomfortably tight, but the woman looked beautiful overall. The boy had blond hair.

Seeing the food on the large dining table, Lynn's stomach growled. Everyone's attention went towards Lynn. The boy then got up from the dining table.

"I am finished with my food. I am going to my room," the boy said, looking at the man at the dining table.

"Wait!" Adam said, but the boy paid no heed and walked towards the sliding door. He did not pause to talk with Lynn. He went out and the door closed.

"That's the mighty Charles," Adam said, drinking from his bottle, "he was a prince in the last life."

Lynn wondered what a prince was. However, she was certain that Charles did not like her. 

"Come with me," Jack said, "I will introduce you to our friends."

Lynn, Jack, and Adam went to the dining table. 

The brunette came towards Lynn. She bowed, holding her frock on both sides.

"Hi, I am Sara. I died in 1932. I was the first one whose seventh life ended," Sara introduced herself. 

Lynn never felt such strong emotions looking at an eye, but Sara's eyes made her feel that she could tell anything to her. 

"You look so pale. A girl your age must eat sufficiently. Please sit down," Sara guided Lynn towards a seat. She served her food.

Lynn ate as soon as the food was served. The food tasted great but the one in the restaurant was tastier. Lynn was happy she could eat all kinds of food after her death. If she was alive, there was no chance her mouth would know the different flavours of food. The man at the dining table looked at her. He cleared his throat. Lynn looked at the man.

"I am Colonel Mawar," the man said. "I was a Lieutenant in my past life. If you were in my city, you would not have had to starve," Mawar added.

"Do you want a glass of True Friend?" Adam asked, still bent. 

Lynn nodded. Adam took a glass near her. Adam shook the bottle and noticed that the bottle was empty.

"My friend, please refill the bottle," Adam requested. After a few moments, Adam poured the contents of the bottle into the glass. Adam drank from the bottle. Lynn also tried to drink from the glass, but it was empty. She looked at Adam, confused.

"It's something only he can drink," Jack said, "He was trying to see if you could drink too. But guess not. Adam's imaginary friend does all that he can do for Adam. So Adam can drink the alcohol."

Lynn became confused. Lynn could not see anyone besides the five of them in the dining room. 

Lynn ate the food. After becoming full, Sara guided Lynn to her room.

Lynn's door was made of glass like everyone else's. Sara and Lynn entered her room. Sara closed the door and pulled the curtain. The curtain was black, and made of twinkling stars. The curtain became like a wallpaper, stuck to the glass door and Lynn no longer could see what was outside. Sara slided the stars and showed how to lock the door to Lynn.

Then Sara pointed to the two windows and the door on the opposite side. This door was a wooden one.

"Don't wander too much outside since it's dark now," Sara said. 

Lynn nodded. Having a room was new to her. She used to sleep in the street. However, she felt it was not safe to sleep outside in the Death world.

Then Sara pointed to a white cloud, staying still on the water.

"This is your bed. Do you want to know anything more," Sarah asked with a smile.

Lynn shook her head. Sara opened the door and left. Lynn closed the door, put on the curtain, and locked it with the star.

Lynn went to the cloud. She lay down and noticed how warm and soft it was. The cloud covered her whole body, except the face. Lynn then got up and went towards the window.

Just as Lynn was about to slide the curtain, she heard a loud noise from the forest. Lynn opened the window. She saw a girl with the same eyes as her, with a gun in one hand, carrying a wounded lion on another shoulder, approaching the castle. 


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