The start of the thing that will keep us apart...

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Toga Himiko:

Alright I'll have to admit it... I mean it's not a bad thing of course! Just different than usual... I guess heroic people are just my type huh... Regardless of gender.

I got a new crush, On Izuku Midoriya. He has shown to be so heroic always there to help others, he doesn't judge them either. How he helped Ochako-chan in the hero exam risking himself to not get into UA is truly heroic i must say. If your feeling down then he'll immediately talk to you. He's always there to help! Though there's one main thing which causes these feelings to arise. It's blood. That will never change.

But Izuku-kun is just a crush. Though Ochako-chan... Is someone i truly love. I could choose her over him any day for what she's said and done for me. She is truly someone I love and rely on. Though to this day I don't even though if she loves me back, even though she's done so much for me even though we've been so intense. I'm still not sure, but the only way to know is to be direct with my feelings... I should confess to her but I'm worried it will break our relationship as a whole...

Ochako-chan has never said if she has any romantic feeling towards me though that's not the only thing I'm worried about. I don't even know if I'd like to kiss someone, it's just never felt right. Though sucking blood has always felt right to me. I wonder if I could ever bring myself to kiss someone I like... Will I ever want to?

Uraraka Ochako:

I'm really doing great with my training! I've really improved on the battlefield, my classmates powers and abilities have been amazing to watch and learn from. Himiko-chan is greatly improving her abilities as well, though I can tell she's more distracted lately... 

She does greatly care about her social life more than her training and combat I have seen that. Though what she cares about more is up to her, I'm not one to judge. 

Though what I can say for certain is that she's happy, we're happy. 

I still give her blood when she desires for it of course since I made that promise to her. Though we go further than just giving and receiving blood, we have a true bond. One that can't be broken easily. Himiko-chan truly means the world to me, more than anyone.

What if I had found love sooner... (A togaraka story)Where stories live. Discover now