Always the fool...

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Toga Himiko:

Well hey there again! 

I've been training quite a lot lately with my quirk, I should say I do it because I want to be a hero. Though that would be a lie. If I'm being completely honest then I'm doing this for Ochako-chan. 

She truly thinks that I can be a hero, something that for me is hard to believe. I really don't want to disappoint her...

So I'll try my hardest just for her!

I've honestly always been good at gymnastics, but since I've trained more than ever not even going to school because of it. I'm more powerful then I would of imagined, but the thing is I'm a 'monster' Well I mean that's what people call me.

But seriously why would they let someone like me into UA high or any hero course for that matter when I have such a villainous quirk...

But I have to try! For Ochako-chan!

Uraraka Ochako: You alright? (Ochako-chan says snickering and has a cute smile on her face)

Toga Himiko: Yeah I'm fine don't worry about it!

Uraraka Ochako: You sure? You were just sitting on our bed staring at the floor...

(Since Ochako-chans parents apartment is quite small we share a room and bed together)

Toga Himiko: Yeah seriously I'm fine haha don't worry.

Uraraka Ochako: I'm glad then, but if you ever need to talk then I'm here remember that alright?

Toga Himiko: I will then thanks Ochako-chan! (I say with a huge smile on my face)

Uraraka Ochako: So, you wanna go train now? 

Toga Himiko: Yep let's go for it! 

Like I mentioned before growing up I took gymnastics, my parents signed me up for it since it's a 'normal activity'. They just wanted me to seem normal in the end, but that ain't happening since I'm not normal in the first place. Though it really helped for my training now, I'm not too strong physically but speed wise it's a whole different story.



Uraraka Ochako:

Uraraka Ochako: Come on Himiko-chan were gonna be late!

Toga Himiko: Just go without me I'll be there soon, alright?

Uraraka Ochako: I don't you to have to go yourself though...

Toga Himiko: Seriously don't worry about it I'll be alright, okay?

Uraraka Ochako: If your sure...

Just like that I leave for the UA entrance exam without Himiko-chan, I don't know if she's alright but she told me to leave her be so I do. 

I walk up to UA, decide to go and wait at the front of the building but wait... Someone is... Falling!?

What if I had found love sooner... (A togaraka story)Where stories live. Discover now