✨️Chapter 4✨️

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"Look at him go! Oh no,.. looks like team red is catching up. Hold on.. ARE THEY SURROUNDING THE TEAM BLUE GUY? WHAT'S HE GONNA DO,AY?"
The announcer excitedly screamed through the entire stadium..

'Shit. He's right.. WHAT AM I GONNA DO? They're all coming closer,trying to lock me up. This is real bad,I need to think of something.. Come on Elijah... Please brain,be useful for once in your life'

That's when it hit me. I ran up to the to the guy with black hair but at the last moment I made a smooth turn and ducked under his arm,focusing on the goal anddd... "SCOREEEEE"


While team red all had scowls on their faces,radiating with jealousy, I stood there in the middle of the field with triumph,smirking at those sour losers,raising my eyebrows up and down.

Ha!See? I'm very cool. I'm super cool. I'm ultra mega cool. No wait,I AM LEGENDARY. I am God? NONONONO-I could only wish. I smiled sheepishly.

Suddenly it felt like an enormous ice block fell on top off me and splashed into pieces covering me with ice cold water...

You can't mistake me though,normally I like the cold temperature,the winter,the snow,everything that's cold (excluding people) especially Ice-cream... You got vanilla and cookie-dough flavor? Imma steal it right now. I'm just kidding though,don't worry. First I have to learn on how to be confident. Then I'll master the courage of stealing Ice-cream instead of robbing a bank..:D

My name is very common,not a single unique thing about it,but that's what I like. I like my name even if others don't. Elijah. I know. You've probably heard this name like thousands of times but I'm still quite happy with it. It's so simple and you just can't make a grammar mistake while writing it:)

Anywaysss,I slowly,lazily opened my eyes and saw a monkey sitting on my dearest bed. It may sound funny but I'm not kidding. I'm sure my parents adopted him from the zoo before I was born. That monkey,believe it or not,is actually,sadly my older brother,Taylor. Yes(my parents decided that monkeys need names too....)

Of course,what did I expect. He sat there grinning,thinking his so called 'prank' was funny...Well,MINES A HUNDRED TIMES BETTER AND HE KNOWS IT. HAHAHA.

As soon as I got a evil look in my eyes,Taylor quickly averted his gaze and nervously gulped,trying not to show how scared he is. It was too late though. He challenged me,so now he's going to regret challenging the almighty,ultra legendary soccer player God Elijah.

I charged at him with all my strength. Tackled him to the floor and just like every other normal day,we started our typical sibling fight.

"You know you can't beat me,right? I'm older and stronger then you"

Taylor smirked. He thought he won or something? Well I bet not. Victory is on my side -I thought proudly.

I mean sure my older brother already graduated so he works now and goes to art college. When he has free days,he decides to focus on his family,which in this situation are me and my dad.

Taylor is a big fan of hockey and atleast twice a week he goes to the local gym around here and returns always covered in stinky sweat. I wonder how the heck some girls find that monkey attractive?..

"We both know who's won now,do we?" My brother teased me.
"Don't you dare-"

I didn't even get to finish my sentence as he was now,laying on top of me,literally crushing my body with his heavy weight. He weights like a whole olifant,it's horrible..

"Get off of me,you disgusting pig. Not a chance! First,admit you lost, Second,admit that I'm stronger then you and lastly,tell me I'm your favorite brother and that you adore me!

To be honest the only thing I wanted at that moment was to kick him in his heavenly place but I decided to go against that now since I was already late for school.


I took a deep breath and immediately told my brother the things he wanted to hear....Well......Almost..

"1. Fine,you win,but only cuz I'm late for school so consider yourself lucky. 2. Okay,yes I admit you're stronger but that's only because you have an awesome personal trainer at the gym,otherwise you're still a monkey. 3. I hate you,you're gross and you stink,you're definitely adopted and not a single person or animal on this planet adores you and your massive ego,too big to fit in your tiny peanut brain. Btw,you can't be my favourite brother because you're my ONLY brother,dumpass"

With that,I pushed him off of me,pushed the monkey out of my room and 'politely' slammed the door in his face because why not?

I need to get ready for school. I NEED TO GET READY FOR SCHOOLLL. My mind screamed.

Next thing I know,i was sprinting down the stairs into the kitchen grabbing a homemade sandwich from the fridge and making some cereal. Trust me when I say cereal is such a good breakfast. And no,DON'T YOU DENY IT. It's heavens meal. Even my dad eats it at 12.00 o'clock in the middle of the night... When I was younger I thought there lived a ghost with us but then I saw him stealing my cereal and we fought a whole hour for it. He gave up in the end,and let me tell you,it was sooo worth it.

'Bag,glasses,books,I've got everything!Check!' I mentally noted.

Now before you asumme that I'm a nerd. I am not. Just because I wear glasses that have a pink color doesn't mean I like studying. In fact i'm very sure I would win the award of the laziest person on earth with the most beautiful disco pink glasses and I'd be proud of it too!

I Hope you liked this chapter. Well this was our fourth main character-Weird Elijah.. That boy definitely loves to make jokes and if needed too,can talk for all eternity,and that's exactly what makes him unique and comfortable to be around with...

Hope you enjoyed<3
Now let's get back to Amanda again?:)

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