✨️Chapter 5✨️

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Slowly walking towards my school,I really needed to rethink my choices. I mean...If I wanted to,I could literally go home this instant,eat tons of unendless vanilla ice cream with strawberries covered in hot chocolate sauce but I decided right now school is my top priority. A cute boy with freckled cheeks opened the door for me...

Another one-I thought. I swear all these boys,even girls, can't stop simping for me..

Like yea,I get that I look beautiful but why would you want to act as a slave infront of everyone? Wouldn't that ruin your reputation even more? Do they even care about that?-I wondered..

I scowled at him but on the inside I felt so appreciated which made me extremely happy.

"You look perfect as always" a random girl said to me.

Hold on....Who is she?

"Uhh,Sabrine" -the girl told me. Poor thing,she knew I forgot about her entire existence so it's her job to remind me..

I didn't really care about the other students..

The thing is...When I was little,I got bullied for wearing pink every day. Boys called me a Barbie doll while girls whispered and I heard them call me 'weirdo'often..

At one point I had enough. Realizing I shouldn't let any lowlife losers insult me,I pushed a boy in our school lake telling everyone that if they dare to even look at me,they're done.

Very nice,yes I know.

After this so called threatening speech,the school principal got a little frightened,(yes by a 6 years old child...)so he thought it would be a smart idea to call my dearest parents..

Well...The consequences-......He was gone the next day.

Since then,we never saw him again.. Instead we all saw a new principal,who worked for my parents and had a special education for school business.

That day,was the day,everyone learned not to mess with me. Complaining doesn't work either. If you're a teacher- you get fired,you lose your job. If you're a student-you get expelled and no other school in this city is allowed to accept you.

To be completely honest,sometimes I feel bad for those people but then I remind myself of how they acted towards me and BAM. Any pity? GONE. Just like that.

"Ah,yes,Sabiana I remember" -I nodded.

"Well what are you waiting for? Get me my schedule. I need to know what classes I have today."

"It's Sabrine.."she shyly corrected me.

"Whatever. You think I care about your name or something? For goodness sake,you poor naive girl,I don't even know who you are."

While she stood with open mouth another minion ran up to me,this time with my schedule.

"Geezus,finally! How long can it take to get someone's schedule huh?!" I smirked.

"Wait,what. Latin,first class?! Are you kidding me."

I know most people do not whine about their schedules but I do, because I am not like most people.

The minion that got my schedule ran up to me,patiently waited for me to throw my Gucci bag to her so she can carry it for me to class.

What? Never heard of lazy people? Okay,fine,maybe also a little spoiled? But that makes sense when your parents are millionaires. (Very good excuse,I know))

With one last glare to this Sariana girl or however her parents named her,I walked relaxed to my first class.

"Oh,by the way. Close your mouth before you catch any flies in it"-I snickered.

I love it when people love and fear me at the same time..

Now you think I will be that typical girl,swaying her hips seductively to get the guy's attention,no,instead I walk like an old turtle who's probably going to take a 100 years before it gets to their destination....

On my way I met one of these so called "badass girls" atleast that's what her cheap primark t-shirt says?

"So Amanda,you think you're so tough, insulting other people. Well,let me break it to you sweetcakes,you're not"she said with a smug look on her face.

"Well atleast I don't look like the female version of Gargamel from the Blue Dwarfs movies,still trying to judge a book by its cover so congrats,you're no better then me bae"-I laughed,walking further down the hallway ignoring the pathetic human being.

Just as I was about to enter the classroom,I saw a poster that may have caught my interest..

"Now what do we have here"-I curiously asked.

A party? A massive one too... Organized for all the students from 11th and 12th grade,in all schools in Redwoodtown...
Timing-Friday 16 Mei,begins at 20.45- ends at 00.00.


'Buy a lottery ticket for only 2 dollars and win a prize during the Grand celebration evening! Highest prize- one of the N E W E S T limited race cars.'


With that though I stormed towards the students council. Not stopping for anyone or anything.


People,you can't blame me,we're talking about parties with Grand prizes here? I can't miss out on this one. It would be so fun to participate!

Like,we both know I could buy it but just the whole process of waiting for the result while knowing there's a chance I could win but also lose,gets me only more excited!

Personally,I absolutely love singing,dancing and partying my heart out!

I forget all the stress,sadness,everything! My focus at those kinds of moments is completely on myself,even if that sounds selfish,sometimes,being selfish towards yourself is okay))
Okay I just posted my second story-Prinsess without a Crown. For anyone who likes romance/fantasy genre,that story is for u))

Thxx,for reading this chapter. Next chapter,we're taking a look on how Brooklyn's doing.
See you all soon,Cheshire~♡

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