✨️Chapter 2✨️

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Happy giggles were heard next to me. I opened my eyes to adjust to the bright light around me. The first thing I saw,just like every other morning,was my little sister. There she stood,with a tiny bouquet of dandelions..

"Good morning sister! Please accept my little gift"
"You're right Una,it is a sunny morning,let's wish that this day will also be positive"-I sighed.

Una took my hands and looked at me with her cute, green emerald eyes. "I'm not sure but I think something special is about to happen in mostly the few upcoming days.."
"If you say so,I'll believe you"-I spoke with no hesitation.
"I heard mommy got the bees honey from our neighbors"-the toddler said while walking towards the kitchen.

I knew she was hungry..every normal growing child has to eat after all,so after staying without food dor 3 days,I wondered how she still had so much energy.

Una was always a little ball of sunshine,she made my life a lot better just with her loving presence. This girl was so fragile,sometimes I thought if she was an angel send by God to cheer me up,support me with this difficult life.

Being poor isn't easy. Life could be so unfair because while one has to do a lot just for a piece of bread and a shelter above their head,the other one,has to do nothing,just enjoy the rich life given to them.

Brooklyn quickly grabbed her glasses while preparing her favorite outfit. A cute green sweater and some black Cargo pants. She didn't have much of a choice but these were perfect in her eyes. After getting ready,Brooklyn checked her agenda. An agenda was very useful,it helped her not to forget anything and to remember what schedule she got that day. Entering the kitchen,the young girl saw her mother making breakfast.

"Guess what? We're eating pancakes with honey today!!"-Una excitedly told her older sister. Brooklyn was confused. Not wanting to say anything in front of Una,she gave her mom a questioning look.

Brooklyn's mother-Eveline,just gave her daughter an reassuring smile.
"Sit down honey,I'll explain everything".

The teenager nodded unsure of what to say but still took her seat behind the old wooden table. "So yesterday,this very sweet girl,Mylene,I think her name was,came by and gave us 100 dollars saying it's on her,she also said that in return she wants THE recipe or something like that?..Anyways it seems like you know her,am I right?"-Eveline asked.

"Mylene!"-Brooklyn groaned. "Of course she did this,I should have known. I'll just pay her back as soon as possible"-Brooklyn muttered.

She looked up only to see her mom with a confused expression on her face.

"Mom,Mylene is my friend,along with Joe. We've known each other for years. Mylene even works at the same place as me. Knowing our 'problems' she decided to help us out,even though I told her it wasn't necessary... Don't worry about the recipe,that girl is just very curious about how I make our homemade cookies."

Eveline laughed softly. "She seems like a nice and trustworthy friend so tell her our little family secret. I don't mind"-Eveline reassured.

"Okay,...I'm still paying her back though"-Brooklyn sighed. 2 Minutes later she was done,the fresh pancakes were delicious!! Sprinting to the door,Brooklyn swiftly took the house keys and the one for her bike.

"Bye mom! Bye Una! I'm going to school. By the way,today I have to work till late evening so don't wait for me. Love you both!!"

With that,the girl was gone. Hopping onto her ordinary,white bike,Brooklyn raced to school,because she's always on time!

Arriving at the small school building in front of her,she parked the bike nearby,made sure its safe so it can't be stolen and only then,she slowly walked towards the entrance.

Brooklyn averted her eyes to her study books,not daring to meet anyone's intimidating gaze. As quiet as a mouse,avoiding everyone,she luckily made it to her bright yellow locker.

'Let's get this day started'! With these thoughts a new light appeared in her dark brown eyes..

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