Something that you do that annoys them

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You annoy your boyfriend Ward by messing with his desk and making it a complete mess and he absolutely hates it and finds it absolutely annoying.

You annoy your girlfriend Sarah by messing with her necklace that you got her for her birthday and she wishes you would stop but you don't want to.

You annoy your boyfriend Rafe by messing with his clothes in his closet by throwing them all over his room and he hates it because he considers himself a clean freak yeah right.

You annoy your girlfriend Kie by singing and she absolutely finds it damn annoying especially when you guys are watching tv.

You annoy your boyfriend Topper by wearing lingerie and you decide to tease him and he wants nothing more than to fuck the crap out of you.

You annoy your boyfriend JJ by taking his hat 🧢 and pretending to be him and he finds it really damn annoying.

John B.:
You annoy your boyfriend John B. by wearing his bandana necklace but he wishes you wouldn't wear it because he hates it.

You annoy your boyfriend Pope by eating his food from his plate and he absolutely finds this annoying as fuck.

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