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It's a Sunday afternoon. Hazel has had a wonderful day. Jimmy has finally cottoned on that family breakfast on a Sunday is not a thing so she gets spread out on the kitchen table, and the floor, and there may have been a third orgasm on the washing machine. But, she can't be sure as her head won't stop spinning after Austin is done with her. Is there anything that man is not good at? Hazel does not think so. After they had finished the house work she had ridden with him on his rounds with Roast cuddled to her chest. She was no help other than being a pain in his ass. She sees him smile to himself though and she knows he would have it no other way. "Where is Jimmy? I have not seen him anywhere," Hazel says looking around. She would have thought they would have come across him slaving in the pastures.

"He is busy."

"I am sure he is, but where?"

"He ain't on Cottonwood, darlin'."

"You know where he is and what he is doing?"


"Of course you do."

They stop at the turkeys, it's Dixie's day off but she is in the field lying in the grass and daydreaming while her turkeys gobble around her. Harper has gone up the mountain and Ayla is busy with her hogs.

"You have a prize hog?" Austin asks, pulling Thunder to a stop in front of the hog pens. "Ask no stupid question and you will get no stupid answer," Ayla says as she empties a pail of hog food in a trough. Once done she puts her pail down and points to a hog pen. Austin dismounts and looks over the wall. He nods with an impressed smirk on his face. "She is a beaut," he says. "She will win the competition next week," Ayla says without a hint of doubt. "You got the piglet pen ready?" he asks. Hazel stops breathing and cuddles Roast closer to her chest. He will have to pry her from her cold dead hands. Dramatic, but she is pregnant - all her feelings and reactions are over the top.

"No," Ayla says picking up another pail and dumping it into a trough. "I told you to have it ready days ago, Ayla," Austin says sternly. Ayla sighs and looks at him with an annoyed face. Austin tests her.

"Are we going to play this game, Dad?"

"What game?"

"The one where Mama wants something. You say no and insist that you are the boss because you are the rancher, only to relent and give her whatever she wants."

"I do not do that."

"Ok. Take the piglet from her."

"You take the piglet from her. The hogs are your responsibility."

Ayla rolls her eyes and shakes her head before she walks over to Hazel who is sat frozen on Thunder's back. She stretches up her arms. "May I have the piglet please, Mama? I have a secure place for it," she says. Hazel blinks back her tears as she looks down at her then bites her lip in an attempt to be strong before she very reluctantly hands Roast to her. Ayla turns and walks into the hog shed with Austin behind her. Hazel wants to cry but she refuses to do so in front of Austin. She is furious at him now. She stays quiet on Thunder, only a few quiet sniffles slipping out. Two minutes later Austin walks out of the hog shed with Roast in his hand. He does not look impressed and says nothing as he walks over to Hazel and gives Roast back to her.

Ayla walks out of the hog shed with her hands on her hips and huffs a laugh. "Not a word or I will take your hat," Austin mumbles, mounting Thunder and turning him toward the house. "That hog will get to the size of a small horse," he mumbles. "You hear that? You are going to become a big girl one day," Hazel says lifting Roast and kissing her nose. "Pain in my ass," Austin grumbles.

Once back at the ranch house Austin finds an old tire in the garage and cleans it then takes it up to their bedroom where Hazel fills it with warm fluffy blankets. Roast now has a bed and will live in the house. Austin will have to find a bigger tire once she is fully grown - thank goodness they live on a ranch where there are a ton of tires in the garage.    

Because Linda does not work on a Sunday, Hazel makes a bunch of salads and Austin gets meat ready to BBQ. They are both on the back porch when all the girls arrive home and the house comes alive with their stories and giggles. It's a warm evening so they eat outside while the girls play with Roast. While busy, they hear a truck coming up the ranch road so turn to look at it. It's one of their trucks so it's not an odd sight but it's not usual for a Sunday evening. As the truck pulls into the ranch house yard, Hazel can see it is Jimmy who is driving it. He parks and jumps out then walks gingerly up to them, taking his Stetson off just as gingerly.

"Cottonwood, ma'am...girls," he greets them.  "There is food. Eat before you go," Austin says. Hazel and all the girls look at him. Austin is a generous man and would offer anyone who arrives during a meal something to eat. But, not Jimmy. Hazel never thought she would see the day and by the look on the girl's faces, neither did they. But, something has changed. Austin speaks a little softer to Jimmy, not too much softer, he still growls - but something has changed.

"Thank you, Cottenwood," Jimmy says then turns to Dixie. "Miss Dixie...I would like to apologize to you. My actions and attitude at the abattoir run towards what you stand for were out of line. That is not the type of man I want to be. I am learnin'...I still make mistakes...but I am learnin'," he says. "It's ok. I get it. We all do. We have grown up around ranchers. They are good men but hard and at times unfair. Their ranches come first - you were taught that. Dad says you have Texas blood, it's a flaw and we will beat it out of you soon enough. But, I forgive you," Dixie says. "Thank you. I have something for you," he says then turns and walks back to his truck. He leans into the back bed and lifts something out of it then turns around.

Hazel's eyes widen and all three girls melt as they coo and rush up to Jimmy. "This is a miniature belted galloway cow. They grow no bigger than a large dog," Jimmy says placing the fuzzy little cow down in front of Dixie. "So this is a fully grown one? Hello baby," Dixie says cooing at the little cow. "Yes. People buy them as pets. They are not for eatin'," he says. Dixie smiles, she loves the thought. "You look like a cuddly teddy bear," she says throwing her arms around its neck and hugging it. "I thought...well, miss Dixie...I thought you could do with a herd of them. I purchased twenty heads, they arrive tomorrow. I have set up a pasture for you. You can build a business. Sell them with the knowledge that none of them will ever be sent to the abattoir," Jimmy says softly.

Dixie lets go of the cow and looks up at Jimmy with big eyes. Her chin wobbles and then she throws her arms around his waist and hugs him tight. "Thank you, Jimmy," she sniffles.

"Darlin', you did the books recently?" Austin leans in and whispers. "Yes, yesterday," she sniffles. She is crying - go figure. "Was there any money taken out of the profits or float?" he whispers. Hazel frowns and shakes her head. "No. It's all accounted for," she says. If Jimmy bought those cows with money from the ranch she would not consider that stealing and neither would Austin. "Is something wrong?" she asks. "No..." Austin says shaking his head as he watches the girls and Jimmy now playing with the cute little cow. "Except...Jimmy ain't got no horse," he adds before he kisses her cheek and walks off toward the pastures - she can see Lighting standing on top of the hill he is walking to.

Jimmy sold his horse to pay for the cows? A cowboy's horse is an extension of themselves, even more so than their Stetsons. A cowboy bonds with their horse and tells their horse all their deepest fears and secrets. The loss of a cowboy's horse is the deepest cut for a cowboy. Hazel has seen Jimmy interact with his horse - he loves his horse. She knows it would have hurt him deeply to sell his horse and part with it. But, like Austin - Jimmy has developed a love for family that is above all else. Even his own happiness.  

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