"i miss you so much."

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toms pov:

i was driving and getting spammed. i know that some fan may follow me but they won't for much longer. when i don't wear my baggy clothes they don't really recognise me. and i'm not complaining they irritate me so much. i was almost their and decided to park my car further away.

i hopped out the car and took a deep shaky breath. i was so close to crying again and i tried stopping myself. obviously being the weird one i am i started crying. sobbing even. i looked at my arms and all i saw was cuts. i started walking around the forest for 10 minutes. i tried finding the place we used to go. and successfully i found it. although i did notice some new alcohol bottles. i looked at this one tree and remembered that me and y/n carved our names into the for fun. we even had our first kiss but we never told anyone, the place that me and y/n used to do wasn't the smallest thing but it wasn't big, and there's was two logs just like how me and y/n placed them. i sat down and cried, smoked and everything. while i was crying i felt someone hug me. no one came to this forest and who would go to this place? i froze for a second and heard a girl type of sob. the person was hugging me really tight now and i turned to look at them. and there she was y/n!! immediately i hugged her.

"oh my god. y/n i thought i lost you forever." i said sobbing. "i know i'm sorry." she said with a shaky voice. i pulled away from the huh looking at her beautiful face. "where have you been?" i asked, still crying. "tom, i had to go. i had to leave i was at my aunts house and she promised to never tell anyone." she replied. "i'm so so so sorry." she said. "no, don't apologise. please don't. i shoudve asked you if you were okay. this was my fault." i said. " no it isn't. don't blame yourself please." she said "call me tom.". although something wasn't right. why would she say for me to call her? she's right here. something just isn't right. i went to hug y/n again. but as i went to hug her i hugged air..? what.? hurriedly i looked around. it is now pitch black. the alcohol bottles i saw are gone..? what? i look at my phone and i had many missed calls from bill and it was also 12 am. what. the. fuck.
i take out a cigarette and just think. what did i see? what did i feel? why could i talk to her.? it's pitch black and i'm in a forest. literally pitch black. my phone about to die and i don't know what to do. i'm scared. did i loose her?

something in my mind made me want to call her old number. i could've sworn she changed it. i started crying while calling her number. i had to dial it of course as i got a new phone. "hello?" she said. "oh my. y/n, is this you. oh please tell me it is." i say frantically. "uhh yes.? who are you?" her voice still sounded sweet. "y/n, y/n!! oh my god." i said happily. "dude who are you why are you calling me? how'd you get my number.?" she said starting to get scared. "it's tom." i replied. silence took over the phone. after a bit she spoke. "hi tom." i could tell she was going to cry. "y/n. where are you?" i asked. "i'm at my aunts tom. are- are you okay?" she said. she's probably seen the posts on twitter of me crying sometimes or when word got out that i cut myself. i made everyone believe i accidentally got cut by something and pretended that i didn't notice until they asked. "no. i'm not. please let me meet you. i miss you so much. everything got so much worse. please." i said i was crying while saying that and i think it was obvious that i was. "of course tom.where would you like to meet?" she said. i couldn't believe it. i was finally going to see her! "um we could meet at kat aroma café?"i asked "yeah that fine." she replied. "ok okay see you soon!" i said happily with now happy tears in my eyes. "i'll see you soon tom. i'm very excited." she said with genuine excitement in her voice.

now i felt a whole weight go off my shoulders she's finally back! i take a hit of my cigarette and basically cry tears of happiness. when suddenly something.. wet hits my head.

and that's when i woke up.

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