#05: Crushed

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As I step onto the sparring mat, a feeling of some sort of excitement stings me in the back. I grin widely, confident in my abilities. I wasn't afraid. I felt I could actually win.

Miko turned around and stared at me, "Get ready, Rin-kun~" He smirked at me. I stood ready, not uttering a word. The crowd became even more packed and the referee slipped through the growing mob, as he stood in the middle, raising his hand. "And..Begin!" The referee yelled loudly, stepping off the mat, as the entire warehouse completely silenced.

Miko stands ready, glaring at me with this dark, uncontrollable flame in his eyes. His posture looks peculiar. He doesn't have his hands in a position where he can defend and offend, but with his hands behind his back, as he smirks at me. 'Is he getting cocky?' I thought. "Tch! I'll show you!" I yell, as I run up to Miko, striking his chest. He just smirks, before my fist is stopped mid-air.

"Predictable." He smirked wider, clutching me and throwing me over his shoulder onto the ground. I bite my lip, holding in the agony. My back in excruciating pain. And of course, the crowd goes wild. "How was that, Rin-kun~? Did you expect that?" He burst out laughing. I knew it. He's playing around. I jump up, covering up the pain. I glare at Miko, my pupils disappearing, as the crowd stilled again. "Hm..I knew I'd enjoy this..I like it when they..KEEP COMING BACK!" Miko charged, beaming at me, before raising his fist, plunging it down at me. I take a step back, bracing myself to use the force of his attack to punch back.

I shut my eyes and wait for Miko's touch. Just then..Miko charges into my ribcage with his shoulder, cackling more. He sends me flying backwards onto the ground, blood slowly dripping from my lips. 'Damn.. What is he doing..' I think to myself. 'The first time, I attacked Akihara, he grabbed my arm, throwing me over himself..Then, he charged at me, taunting his fist, but then he shifted his force into his shoulder, tackling me..' I cough out more blood, the crowd's shouting bringing me back to my senses. Miko was standing, celebrating and mocking me. 'Come on, Haruto.. Think, Think!'

I reflect each scenario over and over in my head, until something in me just snapped. 'Of course. He taunts me and mocks me, so I lose my fixation and don't think straight. Then, when I'm enraged, he just waits for me to attack, then counters me..That's it!' I stand up once more, my eyes glowing the same dark, fiery flame as Miko's before. "I'll crush you." I utter, glaring at Miko. Miko grins and turns his attention to me, "You want more, huh? Fine then. Bring it."

In a second, I charge at Miko, throwing punch after punch. 'Sorry, Leo. But I'm stealing this from you.' I think to myself, charging at him over and over. 'I'll keep him on the defensive.'

The crowd's muttering amongst themselves indicates that I've made them fools.
"You're joking.."
"He's putting Miko on the defensive? What!"
"No way.. Is that.."
I smile at their comments, before a loud voice is heard from the crowd.
"Woo-hoo! Let's go, Rin!! Endless Blitz!"
My eyes widen, as I grin. 'Leo? Damn loser..'

My eyes gaze back at Miko, swiftly. Miko's face is full of rage and frustration. That face somehow brings enjoyment to me. I stop fighting taking two steps back. 'Now let him counter back and then..' Just as my thoughts gather, Miko storms at me, raging with his fist, before I clutch his arm, throwing him over my shoulder.

I stand there, towering over Miko's body, as I wipe the blood from my lips. "I'm insane.."


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