#12: Counterattack

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“Yo,” a voice from the entrance to the warehouse is heard. We all turn to see Miko and Eve standing there. Miko held the door open with his arm. “You're back!” Chihiro jumped up, followed by Megumi, as they ran to our returning friends. They were all badly injured, and had bruises all over. I stand up, walking to them as Chihiro basically squeezes Eve. Megumi taps Miko's shoulder, giving him a snarky smile. Miko returned it. As much as I'd like to join the cachinnation, I just don't feel part of them.

Soon, however, Eve noticed me, and everyone welcomed me with wide, open arms. Everything just felt right, I just felt… at home.

“It's good to see you, Rin,” Eve conveyed, trying her best to gently push Chihiro off. It didn't work, that's for sure. “Did Megumi work your ass off?” Miko added, getting elbowed by the Megumi he spoke off. That reminded me. I spent so much time training, but haven't even tried fighting. “I don't know if he helped—” I start, quickly getting cut off by Megumi. “Well, you'll see when we beat some Golden Lion ass,” he replied, with a big smile. “Mhm. I gotta get back at them for shooting my brother,” Eve cut in, rolling her eyes. I guess getting shot was just normal for all of them. That totally makes sense.

“Talking about me, huh?” Another voice is heard from behind us. Only this time, it's from Leo's bedroom. We all turned immediately to see Leo with a cast on his arm. He had a wide grin from ear to ear, limping to us. We all hugged him, exchanging greetings. “What are you doing, Leo?” Chihiro asked, sighing as she checked his injury. “You're awake, buddy!” I exclaim, hugging him tightly. “Of course. What'd you expect? Let's go kick some ass already!” Leo yelled, eager. Soon, he flinched, because the guy just got shot in his arm. “Oh, hell no. You ain't going nowhere,” Eve replied, slapping him across the head. “Come on!” Leo protested.

The whole situation was very laughable. Well, I guess everything here is. “I agree. Leo, you aren't fully healed. You can't fight right now,” Chihiro added, covering up his wound again. “Ugh. Fine,” Leo exclaimed, pouting like a child. “Well, I think it's time for Thunder Fang's counterattack,” Megumi added, smiling widely. “What do you say?” Eve asked, turning to me, as the others followed. “I say… let's go hunt some lions!” These guys seem to be rubbing off on me. That's a terrible thought. “You heard the man! Let's go!” Miko yelled, as everyone headed for the door.

“One more time. Let's go over the plan,” Megumi started, everyone listening in. “Chihiro and I will head straight for Golden Lion, while Eve and Miko lead the other threats elsewhere. Rin is Kira's target. Meaning you can't have him at Golden Lion. You all have to clear a path for Chihiro and I to get to their master. From Isamu's notes, we have to watch out for 5 of them. Their master, Kira and three others. Looking through their old faction wars; they keep their master inside their base, while the other five corner their opposition. We ain't gonna let that happen, though. Everyone else! You handle the rest," he yelled, finishing his speech. Let the fight… begin.

“No reason to leave so early, Rin,” another familiar voice comes from near. I turn around, to see Kira entering from the back. Megumi steps in front of me, holding me back. “You do realise, you've made it even easier for us,” he exclaimed to Kira. All Kira replied with was a snicker. “Master doesn't even know I'm here. I'm just here for—” Kira pointed straight at me, finishing his remark with a “you”. “Oh?” Leo jumped in, snickering with himself. This guy always finds a way to joke around. “Megumi. You guys go. I'll handle Kira,” I announced, walking past Megumi. “Leo, stay,” Megumi started, to Leo's disapproval. “Everyone. Let's go,” he added. Megumi left first, followed by the rest. Leo turned to everyone leaving with a sulk. “Beat some Golden Lion ass!” He yelled. I step to the mat, as Kira followed with a snide look on his face. I stretch out and stand ready, “Let's settle this, Kira…”


“Cole, let's go,” the strange woman, now known as Lucy, called for her fighting partner. “Where are we needed?” Cole replied, fixing his clothes and walking down to her. Lucy slipped a pocket knife into her pants, turning to the other. “All Master said was—” she started, beginning to mock their boss’ accent, “Handle the one's named Akihara Miko and Eve Silver,” she added, walking out Golden Lion's base. Cole walked near to her, grabbing the blade from her pocket and throwing it to the side. Lucy protested, but was only met with a “No.”, heading to ‘Gallery Park’.


“Megumi said to go to this specific park, right?” A familiar voice asked, turning to his fellow Thunder Fang. “Uh huh. Apparently, this Isamu guy said that Golden Lion always sends these exact two fighters from the side,” Eve replied. The park was quite big and filled with different playground toys, yet it was completely deserted. “Let's start looking around,” Miko added, to Eve's denunciation. She continuously chanted about sticking together, to which Miko walked away, acting oblivious. “Ugh, let's look around then,” Eve sighed, walking in the opposite direction.


Soon, Miko arrived at the gates to the plaza. He threw his arms over his head, resting it against the palms of them. “Nothing here. it should be easy to find someone, though. No one comes here—” Miko's words came to a halt, by a recognisable tone. Well, not for him. “It would be quite weird, huh?” Miko quickly shot his arms down, twisting around in a ready pose. “You must be… Akihara, right?” the strange figure scratched his neck and stood all set. Not long after, Miko burst out laughing, opening up his weak points.

“What kinda name is Cole, anyway? It's like you wanted it to be Cold, but pfft- obviously that doesn't work. You went with COLE?” He added, falling to the ground. “Well, you know… my parents gave my name—” Cole started. I guess he tried to. “Your parents wanted to name you Cold? That makes it worse. Why not go with Jason or something?” Miko kept on rambling with no end in sight. Until Cole stomped his foot down, charging at Miko with his shoulder in front.  “Will you shut up?!” He stopped Miko's endless chatter. Miko didn't move an inch, as Cole's shoulder reached him. Instantly, Miko blocked Cole with his arm, widening his grin. “Let's dance, Cold,” Miko declared, throwing Cole over his shoulder.


Eve walked her way down the park, whistling to herself. She sighed, dropping down onto the bench. “How long do you intend to hide?” She asked suddenly, giving the figure lurking through the trees an icy glare. “I don't know. I quite like the view from here,” the figure replied with a snarky tone. A female voice was heard. “Hey, you sound nice, but I don't swing that way.” The hidden woman giggled softly, before walking out from behind her hiding place. She had long, black hair and a small face. This woman just happened to be Lucy, the one who shot Leo earlier.

“I'll have you know, I'm married,” she replied, tying her hair up. “I'm so happy for you!” Eve crossed her legs, smiling softly at Lucy. “If only we weren't on opposing sides.” Eve gave one last glare at Lucy. “I agree. We could've been the best of friends,” Lucy started. “But Golden Lion comes first… and we WILL win,” she finished, sighing. “Hm… over my dead body.” Eve jumped up, cracking his knuckles one by one, before standing ready. Both fighters faced off against each other, standing strong.


“How reckless of you to disobey your master,” Rin yelled at Kira, as they exchanged punches. “Who cares? I won't stop until I crush you!” Kira replied, pushing Rin off him. “Bro, let it go. It's not that deep.” Rin snickered to himself. Leo joined in the cachinnation from the crowd. “He beat your ass, for sure! I saw it all happen,” Leo added, throwing SO much unnecessary salt on the already open wound. “Shut up!” Leo charged at Rin, knocking him down to his back. ‘Shit. He's built like a tank-’ Rin tried gathering his thoughts, but got cut off by a quick stomp thrown by Kira. Rin rolled to the side, hopping back up. “Fine. Have it your way. Let's settle this once and for all,” Rin exclaimed; the glow in his eyes returning.


author's note; ok ok, I know I've been gone for like weeks but tkp is finally back‼️I'm currently in school and it's just gonna start getting more busy, but still expect a chapter every weekend(Sunday). Thanks for bearing with me and enjoy

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