#08: Thunder Fang

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"This is Thunder Fang." That same Baladeer, Megumi, yelled. He paced up and down, cane in hand, as he limped on the aerobics mat. He didn't have a leg problem. It was just from all the pressure he puts his leg under, everytime he leaves. Leo didn't want to tell me why he left. To be honest, Leo's been extremely distant since he told me about his past. I feel bad for him. It's inspiring how he's able to be positive, even after everything. But how did he meet up with his sister again? He never finished the story.

"Rin." Megumi's voice shook me out of my thoughts. "You were profoundly confident earlier when you told me apart of Thunder Fang." He poked me in the stomach, causing me to flinch, before placing the cane facing down again. "But now you seem to not be pulling your weight." He added afterwards, going back to his pacing. "Now, Normally people would say you're the best of the best. But, I'm gonna be plain and simple. You're not. From what I've seen, you're actually the worst of the worst." I stare blankly at him, before my eyes peered to the side and noticed everyone else erected beside me. No one else was agitated by that? No wonder this place couldn't find anyone else who can fight. No one can.

"You." Once again, Megumi's voice snapped me out of trance. "This is the second time you've acted out in my class. I'm trying to teach you. And trust me, you'll need it. You ALL are gonna need it." He walked closer to me again, glaring me dead in the eye. I glare back, but promptly getting cut off by another blow from his cane. "What? You think you're a big shot, because you were able to take on Miko and Leo?" I wanted to yell at him. I wanted to say I do think so. But something about his presence, his aura.. stopped me. "Guess what? You're not." He limped back to the center. "And don't think for a second that you had them beat. They hardly tried." He swiftly glared at me. I saw that dark flame that burnt in my eyes, in his. But.. it was this dark red. Blood red. I didn't hate him. I aspired to be him. Paralyze everyone in the slightest glare.


"So how was your first lesson with Megumi?" Leo said, jokingly. This was the first time in awhile we were just.. sitting and.. relaxing together. "I hate you" I replied; of course I didn't mean it. On the contrary, I loved him. Not romantically, obviously. It was nice to..you know, finally have a friend. I smile, as Leo rambled about absolute nonsense. I was completely zoned out and didn't hear a word he said, but it seemed smiling made him think I was listening. "Thank you." I say, abruptly, as Leo stopped his rambling, tilting his head to the side. "Huh?" He said, dumbfounded. "For just.. being my friend." I smile, but this time, it wasn't a fake smile. It was a genuine smile. I was actually happy. Well, I was.. right before Leo slapped me across the face. I was puzzled by the unexpected slap. "Idiot. We aren't just friends." Leo said, with a straight face. "I don't play for that team?" I add, completely flabbergasted at the moment. "NO. We're family." He smiled at me, jumping up. "We all are." A voice emerged from somewhere close, which surprised both Leo and I. It was Eve. She walked out towards us, followed by Chihiro and Miko. "Everyone in Thunder Fang are family." Chihiro said, smiling brightly at me. She beamed in the sunlight. "Best get used to it." Miko declared, before sitting besides me. "Don't listen to Megumi. Trust me. He's intimidated by you. Him and I go way back." He added, punching my shoulder, playfully. "You put a good fight as well." He snickered, as the others joined us on the ground. We were an actual family. This feeling.. it's nice.


We were in the kitchen when I asked him. "What was that?" Megumi said, with a snarky tone heard in his voice. He staggered to the sink, as he dropped his teabag into the bin besides it. "Teach me. Privately." I say, with conviction. That same old dark flame blazing deep in my eyes. "Why would I do that?" He wobbled over to me, passing his mug into my hands, demanding for me to hold it. "You said we are the worst of the worst. So you could change that. Make me the best of the best." He took out his ointment, elevating his leg to chair height. He was able to balance his leg there, without any need for a stool or help. "You're not worth my time." He snarled, cynically, before applying the ointment to his leg, dropping it back down. He grabbed his tea back, sipping from it, as he arrogantly begun slowly hopping away. Weird. Quickly, I step in front of him. I inhale deeply, beaming at him, the fire in my eyes erupting out of control. "Make me."

He sighed, flopping onto the couch, tea in hand, as he closed his eyes, presumptuous. "Three weeks." He said, suddenly. "Three weeks to prove you're worthy. You'll meet with me, five in the morning and we'll do the hardest training you'll ever do in your entire life. If you.. survive, I'll think of you as worth my time. I'll think of you as someone who's independent. If you survive, I'll think of you as a Thunder Fang." He opened his eyes, with a blank stare, peering his eyes towards me. "What do you say, Haruto Rin?" I smile widely. I'm ready. All my life I've been searching for something fulfilling. Something to excite me. Something.. fun. I've found it.
"I'll do it."


"Let me in. Please! I'll do anything!" A familiar voice said. He fell to the floor, as tears fell from his eyes.
"Hamawashi Kira. What do you plan on using us here at Golden Lion for?" Now, an unfamiliar voice replied. He sat on a throne-like chair, staring down at the known voice, Kira. "I- I want to become the strongest! So that people will freeze at the slightest gaze from me! So that I can best anyone who's made a mockery of me before! So I, alone, can stand at the top!" He yelled very loud, that birds atop buildings begun to flee. "Hm.. excellent."


Day one, begins. My alarm has me awake at four. I quickly get ready, before sprinting out the door. If I know that psycho, he'll kill me if I don't arrive on time. Lucky for me, my parents don't give a damn about me. Okay, that came out wrong.. and depressing, anyways. However, unluckily for me, the warehouse is a thirty minute jog from my place. I'm in for some traumatising experiences. I don't know what I'm feeling right now. I'm so nervous. Scared. Petrified even. Who knows what that lunatic has planned for me? But somehow, this feeling inside me is telling me not to be scared. That I don't need to worry. I know I'm ready for this. I can handle anything he throws at me. Watch me.

I arrive right on time, as I recognise.. he's not alone. Leo. Chihiro. Miko. Eve. They all came. Their smiles destroy all the fear inside me, as I set my sights upon him. Akiyama Megumi. Was he shirtless as a necessary thing or was he just showing off? "So.. you ready?" He said to me, smiling, sincerely. I step forward, as my smile forces through all emotions I'm feeling. I stand there, ready for everything, as my eyes catch a flame.
"I'm ready."


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