#9: Golden Lion

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Beginning of Arc: Golden Lion

Twenty-one days. Three weeks. Yet.. it went so quick. As I take my final steps, up the same old mountain, I'm greeted by Leo and Megumi. The others.. they did keep up their streak of meeting me in the morning, but of course, any normal person would stop after awhile. Yeah, Leo wasn't normal and since I'm his best friend, I'm allowed to say this; he really makes his entire personality about being your friend. Sorry, Leo. Anyway, today.. is the last day. Then I'll know if I'm worthy or not. Ugh, I hate you, Akiyama Megumi.


"Who's next?" A familiar voice yelled, arrogantly, tossing a short, black haired man to the ground. It was Kira, but he looked different. He didn't look different, he had this vibe. He was different. He had a tank top on, with a symbol burnt on the back. It was a lion, burning a golden aura. He was in what looked like another gang hideout. Two more men approached him, they wore the same tank tops. They begun whispering about the character in front of them. "Who's this guy?" One said, peering his eyes to Kira, with a bothered expression. "New recruit. Guess what? I heard a rumor he basically begged master to let him in." The other replied, rolling his eyes. "Doesn't bother me. As long as we win."


"Bro! There was something about today that seemed so different. Like you had this aspect that I've never seen you have before." Leo claimed, smiling as wide as ever. We were on our way back to the warehouse. I haven't been there in so long; I missed everyone so much. We walked in front, as Megumi followed behind, his eyes shut, limping as usual. "Sure, sure. We'll see what Megumi says." I roll my eyes, leaning on Leo, urging him to carry me. Of course I was tired. I've been running like some maniac. "He hasn't told you yet?" Leo replied, bamboozled. "Of course not. You know him." I sigh, not from weariness, but instead joy. Think of it as seeing your family. Except.. I barely knew these people. It's kinda depressing that they've already treated me better than my parents. "You know he's tough on you, because he wants you at your best." Leo assured me, smiling once again. "Alright. Whatever." I shrug it off, standing straight up. "Let's go. I'm excited." We stood in front of the warehouse's gate, I crouch down, gripping the handle and dragging it up. The next thing we saw sent shivers straight down my spine.

Ripped congratulations posters, popped balloons and wrecked decorations. The entire place was trashed. Everyone was in hiding. Well, everyone, excluding Miko, Chihiro and Eve. Megumi dropped his hovering leg to the floor, rushing inside.
"What the hell happened here?" Megumi yelled, as everyone came out from their hiding space. Megumi turned to the person nearest to him, gripping his collar. He pulled the gang member closer towards him, staring him down. "Where.. are the others?" Leo stood next to them, clutching Megumi's shoulder. "Look at him. Calm down." Leo said, as Megumi noticed the pure dismay. Megumi dropped him, sighing deeply.

I turn to someone close. She stared at me, lifelessly. "They came in here looking for you, Rin." She murmured. Megumi and Leo both peer towards us, as more of the gang members came out from hiding. "What are you talking about?" Megumi stomped closer to us. I swear, I could hear the ground trembling from just pure fear. "What are you talking about?!" He repeated, this time louder. Everyone in the warehouse froze up. The lady who mentioned my name stood up, shuffling closer to him. "This guy. Hair, white as snow. His build was huge, chiselled. He had a dark glow in his eyes. All he said was.."


"Where the hell is Haruto Rin!?" The familiar man dropped the same woman to the floor. A stray balloon hit this man, as he tightly gripped it, popping the red balloon. The loud bang was heard throughout the warehouse and the sound, reminiscent of a growl.
"Where.. is he..?!"


Leo turned and shot his eyes at me. I returned it. "Kira." I reply, with a sigh. I fall to the floor. "Wait, wait. Am I missing something? Who is-?" Megumi is swiftly cut off by the sound of running. "Rin!" The source of that same running is revealed to be Chihiro, who'd, in an instance, leap onto me. She squeezed me, strongly. It felt.. nice. "Chihiro." I say, a smile appearing across my face. "Chihiro!!" Leo yells, jumping on top of her. "Okay, Leo. That's.. enough-" I'm barely able to let out a few words. Megumi pulled Leo off both of us. "Chihiro. What happened?" Megumi asked, letting out a small grin at the sight of Chihiro's appearance. "Hm.. Come on. Let's all relax. I'll tell you all about it over tea." She stood up, knocking the dust off her jeans. I stand up, with the aid of Leo. "If you kinda haven't noticed. The place is wrecked." I answer her, scratching the back of my head. Now I'm covered in dust. Wonderful. "Oh- Just come on!" She dragged all three of us out the warehouse, laughing and smiling all the way. Of course, Leo snickered with, Megumi soon joining in. What?? I can't even join in with their guffaw. Obviously I can't, Chihiro's dragging me. Is this just normal for them?

I guess it's nice. To be back with everyone. Happy again. NOT THAT I WASN'T HAPPY WITH MEGUMI TRAINING ME.

To Be Continued.

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