Part 70 Continue

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The thought sickened him.
Back then, he hadn't cared one way or the other. But now that he knew her. That he believed her when she said it was all an accident... it opened something in his chest that made him ache with regret.

"I know that you would have defended me," claire said. She patted his hand. "Alright, let's not talk about this."claire smiled again and lifted her hand to rub his dark hair.

It seemed that she had been doing this more and more frequently recently.

Lexi entered the hallway and paused beside them, she shifted her feet awkwardly. "I, uh, got the medicine," she said to the two of them. "And Dr. Caiden included two other prescriptions which we can fill once we get you home."

"Thank you, Lexi," claire said.

"I'll go get the car from the underground parking lot.isaac help

Claire to the entrance and wait for me."

"Alright," isaac agreed.

He slid his arms beneath her legs.

Isaac what are you doing?"

"It should be obvious, no?"

"They have wheelchairs, you don't need to carry me."

"The walking boot they give you won't suffice. You should probably have crutches." He lifted her into his arms and moved like he intended to carry her back into the hospital room to argue for said crutches from the doctor.

"No, no,"claire said. "I'm fine. I just need some rest."

"Exactly," isaac agreed. "That means rest from walking," he said simply, as if it explained everything.

"I'm too heavy for you to carry me like this!"

Isaac laughed. "Don't be absurd. You hardly weigh anything."

It's true. He noticed that the other night too, when he lifted her from the table and moved her to the bed.

She tensed in his arms. "Relax claire" he whispered. "I won't drop you."

"I know," she said.

Then she rested her head against his chest.
Isaac felt his heart beat pick up. Her scent. Her nearness. Knowing she was all right when he'd been left thinking the worst... it all sent the blood in his body rushing to his head.

Isaac's eyes were filled with a tenderness that he didn't even know was there.

Claire lifted one hand around his neck and clung to him.
He lifted her higher. Held her closer.
His lips brushed the top of her head.
Thank you for coming for me isaac."

He made some noncommittal sound and then walked out of the emergency room and headed for the hospital entrance.
You need to eat more, Sister."
Claire made a strangled sound.

"I'm serious," isaac said.

She was too light in his arms. And while most men would've probably found that satisfying, for him, it just reinforced her frailty.

How easily she could be hurt or taken from him.

That fall... it could've killed her.

The night he met her... those men could have killed her.

That asshole at his country club could have drowned her.

The electric bike could've run her down.

And... he shuddered... just how many times did she face death while in prison?!?

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