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Jane and Lisa the three of us will be back once we check on Rhonda.  Okay be safe.  We will.

We finally left to the Baker's home

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We finally left to the Baker's home. Jane and I haven't seen the new additions in person only photos they had showed us when the six of went out for dinner with 6 guards.

We finally arrived.

We finally arrived

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Please come in.  I have hot cocoa on the stove for us. You know you scared us. I know, but Maura if it hadn't been raining I would of got the bitch.  We know you would. We still cannot believe you went on your own. Well when I found out where I needed to go. I don't like what she has done. Maura it's just a sprain and some scratches. Hmmm this is nothing like Julie told us this morning. My sister is protective of me as it's just us two. I know.  Willie did a good job of with the ointment and bandages. I told Jane and my sister that. The three of us want to see youe additions in person. Okay let's leave the cups here.

This is nice

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This is nice. Thank you Emily. We both agree with her. Thank you Rony.

Our indoor pool which my sister and I will maintain as long as it's nothing major

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Our indoor pool which my sister and I will maintain as long as it's nothing major.  Has your agent got a hold of you yet? Yes an adjuster called me and I will get a check next week. Jane and Avery wanted me to ask you. I am just glad I still have my hummer or it would be back to making payments again. All the additional improvements are paid off as of last month. Wow, that was quick.  Maura we didn't want to pay interest than what we already had. They want you to come with us. Emily will drive you and bring you back . Okay let me get my purse and other items. I will help you with your coat. Thanks Emily.  

Emily went with me.

Maura she is okay.  She didn't lie. I know you are tired of people getting hurt or killed because of Sandra.   They still cannot locate her even with the one million dollar award. I know Kono and Jay thought it was too much plus all the calls they are getting on sitings of her. I just don't want others to get hurt or killed because I  won't go out on one date with her.

I am ready. May we go buy a Mexican carnicera? We are having dinner tonight with the Garcia's.  The elders want to make sure I am okay. Not a problem.

We left from inside and Rhonda locked up and turned the alarm on.

At Rizzoli home...
Jane they should be here soon. Maura text me that they have one stop first than they will be here. Auntie I need to see she is okay too. Babe Maura said she was. June I want to see for myself.

We arrived at the place and got out.

Rony Mexican sweet bread sounds good right now for a snack when we get back with coffee or hot cocoa. Okay we will go pick them.

Emily follows us and Rhonda went to go get her tamales.

A/N  I finally decided who was going to potray Willie Romero ( Oscar Isaac)

A/N  I finally decided who was going to potray Willie Romero ( Oscar Isaac)

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Jess Zarate being portrayed by Michael Peña.

The girlfriends in real life are their wives

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The girlfriends in real life are their wives.

The girlfriends in real life are their wives

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Julie Baker portrayed by Brie Shaffer.

Rhonda Baker portrayed by Elvira Lindts

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Rhonda Baker portrayed by Elvira Lindts. This way I don't have to work on the photos like I do the others. I hope you enjoy the people and the characters.
We finally paid and left.

The tamales smell good. I bought extra so we could have some for lunch.  Emily bought rice and beans. We definitely will enjoy lunch when we get back.

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