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A few days have passed.  Everyone who isn't sick on our vacation.

Ryan I cannot believe my mom hired me a nurse. Babe she cares about you. I know but there are enough people who can take care of  me. True but not enough who have medical background. Just accept her help. We are leaving to go grocery shopping. Be nice. I will babe.

Ryan kisses my forehead and leaves me.  The nurse is very attractive at least even some I am guessing is forties.

Courtney I am glad we finally came to Mexico after we found out the bitch didn't come here. The authorities had our facial scanned.  They don't want her here either . Tio house roof is done and all the exterior walls are done. I am happy other relatives took his entire family in. Mario are you almost ready to go shopping for new appliances and furniture with me. Yes tio. Courtney is going with Tia and the other females to go shopping for kitchen ware. Courtney is paying for the items. I am buying some of the appliances.  Thank you. The Rizzoli family especially Dr. Isles, Julianne, Carlo and Jane are buying what our insurance isn't covering. I am glad that some of your friend came to finish the inside so we can move in sooner.  Yes tio we have a good group and kind hearted friends. Now you see why we did not move back to Los Angeles. We miss our friends there and all but our friends in Sacramento are more down to earth even with the wealth.

We all left to go shopping.  Juanita and Sylvie are with us. Juanita is paying for what Courtney didn't pay for. We know Carlo is doing the same for my tio.

Kelly we have all the electrical in. Jay and John  how's the plumbing coming along? Its almost done. The house is painted.  I finished putting in the solar panels and the generator which will reduce their bills.

Former home

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Former home.

Present home of Luis Flores Home

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Present home of Luis Flores Home.

The landscaping went well  Harold.  Yes but some of the grass is dying.  We will put seeds on it.
Kelly once I am done, we will fly back to California.  Okay safe travels. The inspector should be here soon so none of parked our vehicles in the garage. It was nice to meet their fire people.  Yeah they appreciated the two engine fire trucks we brought up here.  Since our city donated them, they will be back after lunch to help us with some of the  work. I hope we all can be done in two days. Mathew at least you are getting paid to be here. I totally agree Harold.  Safe traveling back and tell your dad I said hi. I will.

Harold finishes up and he and his employees wave goodbye. I an waiting for the inspector to arrive. We all are taking a break and eating our lunch the Flores family made us. We have been staying in their homes. Tonight we will stay here since we will have appliances, running water and heat.

In Mexico...got our photo back from the photographer today and have them framed.

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I need to lose weight bro

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I need to lose weight bro. Mijo you look fine. Thanks mom. Bane Jesus and I didn't smile. I am sorry that the photographer assistant  laid a loud one when he took them. I know it was awful.  We have all the photos everyone asked us for the main group one framed. Mom, Jesus, the Romeros and the Zarates are leaving for the airport with all the photos. I hope they like them. Mijo don't worry.  Okay mom. Willie got a new tuxedo for Christmas from Rhonda and even shaved for your wedding. I know babe.

We hug everyone as they leave for the airport. We are going go snorkeling and enjoy our honeymoon.  They enjoyed their honeymoon here even though we all were together except at night.

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