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Kono called me around ten and told me. I told her I would not rescind the one million dollar award even as she told me why.

Maura she got away again and they don't know where. Yes the two men were killed in jail because of the one million dollars. Let's go and tell the others.

All of our nieces and the rest of the family who aren't a fire employee are here at Jane's home. Jane and Julianne made Nani Rizzoli raviolis for lunch .

Hey Kono called me. The men were killed because of my award amount in jail. She got away to where they don't know.  Kono wants me to rescind it which I refused.

Tommy, Julianne and Jane throw their glasses on the ground. Juanita and Carlo get up to get the brooms and dust pans and start cleaning up the mess.

Auntie enough is enough. We all need to choose a country that doesn't have a extradited place and go ourselves.  Baby girl I will have others to look for her. We need to stay here in Sacramento.

Jane and Tommy are cussing. Their spouses grab them by their hands and they leave the dining area.

Ryan let's hire more people as in mercenaries after we figure out what countries. Baby girl is right sis. We all are tired and frustrated. This is impacting us in our marriages and our jobs says Juanita .

They are finished cleaning up the debris. Carlo tells us to not go bare foot as they may have not got it all.

In North Korea... I am at the doctor's office being treated and she writes me a prescription. I pay the front desk and leave. I find a pharmacy to fill it and wait. I buy more first aid supplies and pay for it altogether than leave to the hotel. I decide Courtney will be killed still. I make a call to check on the status. I am told no one has left their home and won't per the listening contraption they are using.

When she does kill her. Yes Mrs. Bullock .

In Reno...
I cannot believe the four of us got married.

Yes but now we have to head to the Garcia's to change and go help Jesus paint his place

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Yes but now we have to head to the Garcia's to change and go help Jesus paint his place.  I cannot believe it's 6 in the morning. We are two blocks away.

Manuel and Rhonda  Julie and I  bought the house next to our current home. We knew we wanted to be next door neighbors . Do you have a photo of it? Yes.
We decorated the outside too yesterday.

Why didn't you tell us? We decided to wait to tell you now

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Why didn't you tell us? We decided to wait to tell you now. Sis and Jess have you packed your stuff? Not yet.   Rhonda and I will rent our new place out. You two can keep the furniture in the home. Jess and I want to start new.

We did decorate our tree it's in the garage for now.

We did decorate our tree it's in the garage for now

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You joined what you two like. Yes we won't do like we both did to our home.

We know the Garcia's will be awake.

We call Manuel.

Babe your cell is ringing its Willie.

Hello bro you up and ready ? Yes sorta. Is your fiancée, mom and Jesus there? Yes.  Put me on speaker.
Okay! I am here with Rhonda, Julie and Jess. We are almost to your home.  We are five minutes away. We got married this morning in Reno. We all did. Wait you boys and gals got married and your on your way here? Yes Mrs. Garcia we brought extra clothes with us too to paint and set up Jesus furniture.  December 21 your married.  Yes mam. Congrats we will see you soon. Julie will send you our wedding photo. We have them framed and have some for you and the Rizzoli and Allan and Carolyn.  Okay we will see you in a bit.

They eloped without  us Jesus.  Each to their own. They have been dating for awhile but only us knew about it.

They look happy

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They look happy. Mijo Jess does he own a tuxedo? No . Well they look happy.

They are here.

We get out and go inside

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We get out and go inside. They hug us and laugh that we went early.

Jess and I bought a home and have the outside decorated. We bought the house to where Willie and Jess live.  Bro I was wondering who the other Disney and sport fans were. We are going to rent our home out with everything and start new.

I will move in with Willie . Here's your three photos as promised.  We need to get changed. Mrs. Garcia we are hoping you five haven't eaten. We are hungry. No Jess I making chorizo, eggs and potatoes with fresh tortillas that my future daughter in law made . You all go change. Breakfast will be ready soon.

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