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A blood curling scream filled my ears as my aunt rocked me back and forth as she would do on the days of nightmares past my parents demise. It took me a few seconds to realize two things but realize them I did, One- The screams were my own, Two- I was going back into the arena, And this time I wasn't getting out alive. As soon as i realized number two my blood boiled as rage overtook my senses, rage towards the Capitol and Snow, Rage for the children they had us murder each year, blinding pain and fury for taking the life of my sister.

Loud banging erupted throughout the house, Octavian I realized.

My aunt opened the door as he walked in shaking from head to toe, 'Did you hear it?' he asked, eyes holding back unshed tears, 'Yeah' I wispered. As he let out a choked sob I opened my arms as we both held eachother, sobbing for the world, crying for friends and our lives, wailing for our loved ones, Our hearts ripping apart at the realization- None of us were going to make it out alive.

I thought of my friends, Jo was going to be picked I realized my heart stinging at the thought, She was the only female victor in District 7 and Finnick,

My God,


He'll be going back in, the man Iove will be going back into the games, he might die, I realize only one makes it out.

Well Fuck.

And not too far away a certain green-eyed victor promises to himself that the woman he loves will not be dying in the games not now, not ever.

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