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My head felt as though a thousand needles were piercing it, I groaned as my foot connected with the hard wood of the bedside table, 'Fuck' I cursed. The clinking of empty liquor bottles filled my ears as I caught sight of myself on the mirror, I looked like shit.

Unfortunately I couldn't sit there and wallow in self pity as loud knocking filled my ears, 'Come in' I screamed not bothering to hide my annoyance of being robbed of contemplating suicide options.

My aunt entered the room sighing at the mess that i've created 'Really Dora? the reaping's in three hours and you're barely awake ' she cried hands on her hips looking like a exasperated mother, I grinned inwardly at the thought of that.

'Doesn't matter Mare, I'll die anyway' I said with an air of indifference to mask the fear I felt inside.'Don't say that' she reprimanded 'There's other victors, you aren't going to get picked, not this time, not again.' she said more so to convince herself than me.

'Not likely' I replied 'There's two addicts, one's got kids and the other is barely sane, even if I'm not chosen I'm going to volunteer Mare, I can't let anyone else go through that, not again.

She sighed knowing it was useless to argue 'Alright hon, give 'em hell huh?' she whispered with a weak attempt at a smile.

'I always do mare' I breathed softly as she enveloped me in a hug that put too many unsaid emotions into it.

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