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I walk outside and the first thing that I notice is that its a beautiful day, almost mocking, almost.I may be headed for slaughter but I could still appreciate beautiful days , God knows how much of that I have left.

Stepping out of Victors Village,I walk towards the square for the reaping I might be late but I walk slow committing every little detail of the walk to memory. I pass a clump of daisies on my way to death, fashioning a crown out of them, I remember my sister, her kind eyes and gay smile that she offered to everyone regardless of whether she knew them or not. Pushing away thoughts of my sister I place the delicate crown upon my head as I step into the square.

"Morning gents" I say as I pass the peacekeepers, pulling on a mask of arrogance over myself, a mask that I've perfected over the years a mask every Victor wears once they've won the games, for some its substance abuse or their unapproachability for the rest of us its the mask of indifference and arrogance, a mask we've worn so long most of us have forgotten how to feel anything that is short of overpowering.

Climbing up the stage, the head peacekeeper blocks my way "you mind?" I ask cocking my eyebrow "you're late" he replies. 'Suck my dick' I think but of course for the sake of my aunt I don't say that instead I opt for a more casual "Well i'm here now aren't I?". I pass the peace keeper and make my way next to rose my mentor, I shoot her a grin as she smiling, eyes my crown.

"Welcome to the 75th annual reaping, a special year indeed as it is a reaping of our very own victors!" Verina our escort exclaims swishing her arm towards us as though we were prize pigs. To the ever standing credit of district five, not a single soul applauded.

Unfazed by the utter lack of interest for obvious reasons, she dips her hand into one of the bowls containing the names of the female Victors "Rosabel Twain" she called out. I heart a small but audible gasp next to me. Her name hung in the air for a few seconds before the cry of her daughter tugged at the heartstrings of the people of district five. "Mama" screamed the heartbroken girl.

"I volunteer" I announced, a more audible gasp now, squeezing my mentors hand I walk towards the microphone "Pandora Baird I volunteer". Nodding Verina went over to the other bowl, dipping her hand into it she brought out the deadly paper "Octavian Young" she called out breathing out slowly I told myself that I knew this would happen but I could not help But feel helpless.

"Your Victors for the third Quater Quell ladies and gentlemen" Verina announced as though it was something to be celebrated.

"What about goodbyes?" Octavian asked as we were lead towards the train station and not to the visitor's room. "New orders we're to lead you straight to the station" came the reply. Knowing it would be futile, we didn't protest. I quietly passed a not to my mentor whispering, "my aunt". That would be her protection, over the years I had collected enough money and other 'currency' from the capitol visits to ensure that my aunt has a comfortable rest of her life in the case of my demise, a fail safe if you will.

They were indeed prize pigs, And the ones that won head for slaughter.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20 ⏰

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